


美式发音: [ˈriˌkɔrs, rɪˈkɔrs] 英式发音: [rɪˈkɔː(r)s]




n.option,remedy,alternative,way out,choice



1.依靠;依赖;求助the fact of having to, or being able to, use sth that can provide help in a difficult situation

Your only recourse is legal action.你的唯一依靠就是诉诸法律。

She made a complete recovery without recourse to surgery.她未做手术就完全恢复了健康。

The government, when necessary, has recourse to the armed forces.政府在必要时可以动用军队。

n.1.【法】追索权;偿还要求2.依赖,依靠,利[使]用,求助 (to)3.〈罕〉所依靠的物[人]

n.1.the use of something so that you can get what you want or need in a difficult situation

1.追索权 recoup 补偿 recourse 追索权 recoverable amount 可收回金额 ...

2.求援 crude 天然的 recourse 求援 sledge 雪橇 ...

3.求助 intercourse n 交流,性交 recourse n 依赖,求助 scour v 搜索;巡视 ...

4.依靠 recourse action 追索诉讼 recourse 依靠 recover 回收;采出 ...

5.追索补偿 record date 注册日期;登记日期;记录日期 recourse 追索权;追索补偿 recover 追讨;复原 ...

6.求偿权 Reckless homicide 疏忽大意杀人 Recourse 追索权,求偿权 Recovery 追索,补偿 ...

7.依赖 intercourse n 交流,性交 recourse n 依赖,求助 scour v 搜索;巡视 ...


1.If the latter experiences a financial loss, however, legal recourse against an agent is often attempted.但是如果后者承受了经济损失的话,通常可对代理依法追索。

2.In many American states, in contrast to Britain and Spain, a lender has no recourse to a defaulting homeowner's income or other assets.与英国和西班牙不同的是,在美国很多州,放贷者对于违约房主的收入或其他资产没有追索权。

3.But he had no recourse beyond blocking me from his future auctions (which he did).但是,这样做的后果便是我将来再也不会光顾他的商品了。

4.there was no recourse for a claim without a writ, the claim did not exist.若无法院令状,诉讼请求便无追索权,因而该诉讼请求也不存在。

5.There seems to be no recourse except to cause an exception or set the timeout so long that you risk a cache blowup.除了引发异常或者冒着缓存膨胀的危险将超时时间设置的足够长之外,似乎再没有什么其他的方法了。

6.If an employee is maltreated by his employer, he may want to retapate, and he may not be able to get legal recourse.如果员工遭受老板的虐待,他可能想去报复,他也可能得不到法律援助。

7.'Mr. Mendoza was not just a wild-card crazy man, ' said Mr. Fink. 'In a society without recourse for justice, people will do crazy things. '芬克说,门德萨不仅仅是一个不按常理出牌的疯子;在一个无法寄望于司法的社会,人们就会做出疯狂的事。

8.CEBS sets out in its guidepnes that non- recourse loans, where the loan could be written off after a certain period, are disallowed .欧洲银行业监管委员在指导方针中指出不允许发行在一定时间后可以取消的无追索权的贷款。

9.Mutual exchanges between mankind can be resolved without recourse to any instrument that could not, the space barrier.人类相互之间的交流就可以无须借助任何的工具,可以不受时间、空间的阻隔。

10.Where the holder is an endorser, he has no right of recourse against the subsequent parties.持票人为背书人的,对其后手无追索权。