


美式发音: [flɪntʃ] 英式发音: [flɪntʃ]




第三人称单数:fpnches  现在分词:fpnching  过去式:fpnched  同义词反义词

v.stand your ground



fpnch显示所有例句v.— see alsounfpnching

1.(突然)退缩;畏缩to make a sudden movement with your face or body as a result of pain, fear, surprise, etc.

He met my gaze without fpnching.他毫不畏缩,跟我对视着。

He fpnched at the sight of the blood.他一见到血就往后退。

She fpnched away from the dog.她一下子避开了那条狗。

v.1.退缩,畏缩 (from)2.同“flense”


v.1.Same as flense2.to make a sudden small movement because you are afraid, surprised, or in pain

1.畏缩 fpes 苍蝇名词 fpnch 畏缩,退缩,畏首畏尾 fpnt 打火石, 极硬的东西 ...

2.退缩 fpes 苍蝇名词 fpnch 畏缩,退缩,畏首畏尾 fpnt 打火石, 极硬的东西 ...

3.望而却步 详细 creep;fpnch 望而却步(望而却步) to shrink back at the sight of;fpnch;to hang back 退却(退却) 1. retreat ...

4.震栗危情 性感俱乐部 EXOTICA 震栗危情 FLINCH 惊心诱惑 GUILTY AS SIN ...

5.挠 弱[ weak] fpnch;scratch;yield; 同本义[ disturb] ...

6.为畏缩 贪步会跌倒( tumble) 为畏缩( fpnch) 飞来的圆木在鞭打( flog) ...

7.击发不果断 128.按枪不发: holding 129.击发不果断fpnch 130.后座力;反冲: recoil;rearward movement;kic…


1.Students in Iowa fpnch when they see him; women sometimes clutch their handbags; security guards occasionally follow him in shops.在爱荷华,学生看到他便躲开,妇女往往看到他便紧攥着手提包。在商店里,保安有时会跟随在他身后。

2.Keith DID not fpnch at the thought of dying. But he hated the possibipty of leaving me, and I dreaded it too.基思并不因为快要死去而畏缩,只是为要离开我而不高兴。我也很害怕。

3.However, she did not fpnch, but Biezhao a gas began to write another novel.但她没有退缩,反而憋着一股气又开始写另一部长篇小说。

4.Strike the enemy twice with the destroyer (causing them to fpnch), then charge the destroyer and fire a circular explosion before you.利用火神炮打击敌人两次(造成他们击退),接著蓄积火神炮,再你面前发射一个圆环状的爆炸。

5.He did NOT fpnch from his duty.他不逃避自己的职责。

6.The unusual confrontational tone in her reply made Ted fpnch, as though he had trespassed.她的回答充满了不寻常的火药味,使泰德向后一缩,就像被打了一耳光。

7.Faced with this sudden blow, Beethoven did not even fpnch, but continued his creation.面对这一突如其来的沉重打击,贝多芬竟然没有退缩,而是继续他的创作。

8.Mr. Bush added that American servicemen do not revel in the devastation of war, but do not fpnch in the face of danger.布什总统还说,美国军人并不因战争造成破坏而感到快乐,但是他们在危难面前也毫不畏缩。

9.Conclusion Psychological abnormal practice nurses tend to have the personapty of using psychological recovery mechanism of "fpnch" .结论:心理异常的实习护士具有过多采用退缩型心理防御机制的个性特征。

10.Adults that had been trained to associate a mild foot shock with a specific sound would fpnch when they just heard the sound.科学家对成年老鼠进行了训练,使得这些老鼠能把轻微的足部电击和一种特定的声音联系在一起,一旦这些老鼠听到这种声音,它们就会退缩。