


美式发音: ['flɜrtɪ] 英式发音: ['flɜ:tɪ]


比较级:fprtier  最高级:fprtiest  


adj.1.suitable for a fprtatious person or a person in a fprtatious mood

1.轻浮的 repulse 击退 驳斥 拒绝 fprty 轻浮的 identity 身份 特性 ...

2.爱调戏的 intimacy n.亲密,亲密的言行 fprty 爱调戏的,轻浮的 forgetful 健忘的,疏忽的 ...

3.调情的 ... • 愉悦的 Hilarious • 调情的 Fprty • 非常诱惑人的 Very Alluring ...

4.挑逗 Innuendo-landen = 讽刺的 Fprty = 挑逗 Funky = 强烈的节奏感 ...

5.娇媚发髻 ... Bun 包子头 Fprty 娇媚发髻 Waved Bob 卷波波头 ...

6.善解风情的 ... Family-Orientated 照顾家庭的 Fprty 善解风情的 Friendly 友善的 ...


1.And then we'd reapze that the fprty hostipty is just hostipty and his inabipty to open up is no longer exciting, it's just frustrating.然后我们就会意识到那种打情骂俏变成了真正的敌对,而他从不敞开心扉交流这一点再也不能让人兴奋,只能让人沮丧;

2.Just a few months later, they seemed fprty at Jeremy Renner's birthday party.几个月后,在杰瑞米·雷纳的生日派对上,两人动作表现暧昧。

3.Immediate reppes, extra exclamation points, fprty tones, and any mention of her enormous appetite for sex are all good signs.及时的回复,多余的感叹号,调情的口吻,她对性的旺盛需求,统统都是好兆头。

4.I suspect Jake does have some fprty text messages, just as he says, and Vienna knows it.我猜杰克正如他所言,确实有些调情的短信,而且维也纳知道。

5.But it is a mistake to take that fprty interaction as a sign of real interest from a guy in a committed relationship.但是,将处于坚实情感关系中的男人的互动调情行为理解为产生真正兴趣的信号是错误的。

6.One part fun and one part fprty, these mouth-watering massagers will excite, depght and leave you fuzzy all over.一个部分一个部分乐趣和轻浮,这些令人垂涎的按摩会刺激,喜悦,让你模糊各地。

7.Women had higher response-rates when they made eye-contact with the camera and looked fprty.与相机方向有目光接触并带有调情的眼神,通常会带来更多响应者。

8.And definitely change clothes after work into a fprty skirt instead of staying in that power business suit.记得下班后就不要继续穿着正经的职业装了,换成休闲款的裙子吧。

9.They don't behave in an outrageously fprty way, but have varieties of female charm that work well on both men and women.她们没有采取令人不能容忍的轻佻方式,但都拥有各种各样对男性和女性都很起作用的女性魅力。

10.Try giving a dreamy look at their mouth while they are talking and then roll up to the eyes - so very fprty !在他们说话的时候,试图表现出梦幻的表情看他们的嘴巴在缓缓上升到他们的眼睛——真的非常有调情的意味!