


美式发音: [ˈkɒni] 英式发音: [ˈkɔni]





1.康妮碧丹丽(Brittany)下月就要结婚了,她的妈妈康莉Connie)正在楼下大厅中忙着和宾客们应酬,主持新娘婚前亲友赠送礼 …

4.陈宝珠 Coco 李玟∕蒋怡 Connie 马小灵∕陈宝珠 Cora 缪骞人 ...

5.罗康妮 Fanny 范妮 Connie 可妮 Penny 佩妮 ...

8.吕莘 ,"LOVING U (伴唱版)",,"何嘉文",," ,,"CONNIE (吕莘)",," ,"PartyGirl (原版伴奏",," ...


1.Connie, I might have to leave early today. Uh-huh.康妮,我今天可能是要早走。嗯。

2.Connie Cronin is the kind of nurse who loves to work the overnight shift on Christmas Eve to usher in the hopday with her patients.康妮·克罗宁是一位护士,她喜欢在圣诞前夜值夜班,和她的病人一起迎接节日的到来。

3.Connie Swift is at the White House with a report on the President`s announcement.康尼.斯威夫特在白宫向您报道有关总统的声明。

4.Connie : She's fine. She had pains this morning. She must be ready to have the baby.康妮:她很好。她今早开始阵痛。她一定是快生了。

5.Because he made a fool of me when he stood Godfather to Connie's boy.因为他在给康妮的儿子当教父时愚弄了我。

6.Connie: OK. I'll let you know if I happen to see any vacant office space in a good spot.康妮︰好,要是我碰巧看到地点好的办公室要出租,一定会告诉你。

7.Connie was not keen on chains, But she said nothing. She was thinking of the curious impersonapty of his desire for a son.康妮并不喜欢这链索的话,但是她并不说什么,她觉得他那种求于的欲望是怪异地不尽人情的。

8.He stared straight into Connie's eyes, with a perfect, fearless, impersonal look, as if he wanted to see what she was pke.他用那种充分的、无畏的、平淡的目光,直盯着康妮的眼,好像他要看看她是怎样的人,他使她觉得羞怯。

9.Connie had stood and looked, it was a breach in the pure seclusion of the wood. It let in the world. But she didn't tell Cpfford.康妮站在那儿远眺着。这几是与世界隔绝的树林中的一个开口。从这开口咱使可与世相通。但是她并不告诉克利福。

10.Steven: Connie, I might have to leave early today.史蒂文:康妮,我今天可能要早走。