


网络释义:Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors; 触摸屏; 艾伊柏斯


1.Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors 收款机 ipos 触摸屏 apos 三蓝 sanlan ...

3.艾伊柏斯艾伊柏斯Apos)CV:石田彰 长相俊美的少年(其真身是天使,亦男亦女),倒错人间的伦理、不正常的美学意识,虐待狂,在 …


1.As Jesse ' s father had poured Graham another drink, he ' d asked their neighbor what he thought she had wanted from him.当杰希的父亲再给他倒了一杯的时候,他被邻居们问到她究竟想从他身上得到什么。

2.Mr. Braddock: What' s the matter? The guests are all downstairs, Ben, waiting to see you.布兰多克先生:你怎么了,客人们都在楼下,本,等着看你呢。

3.Nurse Ratched: I don' t have to tell her? Your mother and I are old friends. You know that.护士长拉契特:我不会告诉她?你知道的,你母亲和我是老朋友了。

4.Instead, Pepper kisses the "pps" of Stark' s helmet and throws it out of the plane.相反,秘书小辣椒没有亲斯塔克,而是亲吻了斯塔克的头盔,接着把它扔出了飞机。

5.Mayor: Did you hear what I said? Freaky boy, it' s time for you to go.镇长:你没听见我说的话吗?怪物,你该离开了!

6.We' d consider the koala with the same level of dipgence and dedication as if it were the death adder.我们会考虑无尾熊相同水平的勤奋和奉献,就好象它是死亡加法器。

7.He sat down, and in a few minutes felt the night ' s chill envelop him.他坐下来,没几分钟就感到了夜的寒冷裹住了他。

8.If it takes us oll-er, then it has no more enemies, nobody left to kill it. And then it' s won.如果它控制了我们所有人,那就不会再有敌人,没人能杀它,到时它便获胜了。

9.It seemed he ' d been running a week ' s worth of nights, but he saw the stars hadn ' t begun to pale.他像是跑了整整一礼拜那样漫长的晚上,但是星星仍然没有变得暗淡。

10.Puss in Boots: [after Shrek throws Donkey out the door] Some people just don' t understand boundaries.穿靴子的猫(史莱克将驴子扔出了窗户):有些人就是不知道什么叫做适可而止。