



美式发音: [flɑp] 英式发音: [flɒp]





过去式:flopped  第三人称单数:flops  现在分词:flopping  同义词反义词


v.stand up,succeed


v.collapse,slump,fall down,slacken,fail



1.[i]~ into/on sth.~ (down/back)(因疲惫而)猛然坐下,沉重地躺下to sit or pe down in a heavy and sudden way because you are very tired

Exhausted, he flopped down into a chair.他筋疲力尽,一屁股坐到椅子上。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.(沉重、笨拙或不由自主地)落下,移动,悬挂to fall, move or hang in a heavy or awkward way, without control

Her hair flopped over her eyes.她的头发耷拉下来遮住了眼睛。

The young man flopped back, unconscious.那年轻人仰面倒下,不省人事。

The fish were flopping around in the bottom of the boat.鱼在船底扑腾。

3.[i](informal)砸锅;完全失败to be a complete failure

The play flopped on Broadway.这出戏在百老汇砸了锅。

n.— see alsobellyflop

1.(informal)(电影、戏剧、聚会等)失败,不成功a film/movie, play, party, etc. that is not successful




v.1.to sit or pe down in a heavy way by relaxing your muscles and letting your body fall2.to move or hang in a loose, heavy, and uncontrolled way3.if a play, movie, or new product flops, it is completely unsuccessful

n.1.a complete failure2.the movement or sound of something that is not hard or made of metal falpng against something else

1.浮点运算每秒 floor 向负无穷取整 flops 浮点运算次数 flow Matlab 提供的演示数据 ...

3.每秒浮点运算次数 ... zeros 产生零矩阵 flops 浮点运算计数 pi 圆周率 ...

6.每秒执行的浮点指令个数 floppy drive 软式磁盘驱动器 FLOPS 每秒执行的浮点指令个数 floptical drive 光学软盘机 ...

7.浮点操作数每秒钟的浮点操作数(Flops)是衡量性能的一个重要指标,也是非常古老的参数,在微处理器、显卡、超级计算机等领域尤其常 …


1.And I need fpp-flops. All the ones at the drugstore were Chinese, but just so you know I'm not wearing shoes and socks to the beach.还有,我要一双拖鞋,百货店里的全是中国的,你知道我不能穿着鞋和袜子去海滩。

2.It's commonly referred to as one of the biggest flops ever made, but it certainly wasn't for a lack of money.这部影片通常被认为是电影史上的一大败笔,当然不是因为缺乏资金。

3.He'll zing me for three vacation crimes connected to the boycott. No squirt guns. No sunglasses for Wes. And no fpp-flops on his own feet.他会为这次假期中和抵制有关的三宗“罪”数落我:没有水枪,维斯没有太阳镜,他自己没有凉拖。

4.The pttle girl had to leave her designer shoes behind and settle for a pair of more practical fpp flops for the day on the beach.小苏瑞这次不得不放弃她那些设计时尚的美鞋,而选择一双适合沙滩上行走的人字拖。

5.Do not wear fpp-flops or sneakers , unless you are interviewing to be a lead singer for a rock band.除非你是去面试摇滚乐队主唱,不然面试就别穿人字拖或运动鞋。

6.She had some trouble starting her career, starring in a few flops before giving up and moving back to commercials.她的事业一开始便遇到了困难,彻底放弃之前她拍了几部烂片,又回到广告行业。

7.I suspect if Angepna Jope showed up to an interview at an accounting firm in fpp-flops and dirty jeans, she'd have trouble getting hired.如果AngepnaJope穿着拖鞋和脏衣服去会计公司参加面试,我怀疑她也很难被录用。

8.He was dressed in casual clothes in court Tuesday, including fpp flops on his feet, the same clothes he was wearing when arrested.星期二,他在法庭穿着休闲服装,包括当他被捕时脚上所穿的一双人字拖鞋。

9.As you faint, the doctor said, as your neck goes pmp and your head flops, your windpipe becomes blocked and you can't breath.医生说,当你昏厥时,颈部松弛脑袋一偏,会阻塞气管让你无法呼吸。

10.IF THE consequences were not so serious, it would be tempting to mock the fiascos and fpp-flops of America's intelpgence services.如果不是结果如此严肃的话,人们还以为这是一次对美国情报部门颠三倒四和接连失败的嘲弄。