





1.民歌 world famous music 世界名曲 folk songs 民歌 art songs 艺术歌曲 ...

2.民谣 粗俗[ rustic;vulgar] 俚歌[ folk songs] 俚曲[ popular music and songs] ...

5.民间歌谣 ... Women image in the folk songs in Huizhou; 徽州民间歌谣中的妇女形象 ) folk songs 民间歌谣 ...

6.民间的通俗歌谣 ... B:No problem. 没问题。 [folk songs] 民间的通俗歌谣 [popular music and songs] 通俗的歌曲。也叫“俗曲” ...

7.民歌是 民间的,传统的。民歌是 folk songs, 烦躁,焦急。它指的是一种过多的,不必要的忧虑。 Worry unnecessarily or excessivel…


1.SV : Any kind really, German folk songs are my favourite. Anything really, a bit of everything.小瓦:各种各样的,德国民族歌曲是我的最爱。任何都好,真的什么都好。(囧)

2.He took a reel-to-reel tape recorder with him to record folk songs and stories of the people in this remote area.他随身携带一台盘式录音机,将这个偏远地区居民的民俗歌谣及故事全部录制下来。

3.One of his works We follow the Party forever was adopted into a book of Three hundred new Chinese Folk Songs.有一首《我们永远跟党走》被编入《中国新民歌三百首》一书中。

4.Because of their characteristics of being popular and easy to circulate, they take a great proportion in Shanxi folk songs.山西小调短小精悍,因其容易流传、广为大众所接受等特点,在山西民歌中占有很大比重。

5.As an integrated form of words and music, Tujia folk songs are the product of the combination of pterature and music.土家族民歌是由歌词与乐曲结合而构成的同一体民歌,他是文学与音乐交会的产物。

6.It might be a good idea to kick off with a few folk songs.一开始就来几支民歌是个好主意。

7.Crumb calls "Shenandoah" one of the most beautiful folk songs of any country.糠所说的“雪兰”之一的任何国家最美丽的民歌。

8.The author of the paper holds such a bepef that folk songs are the natural resources of musical creation.文章认为民歌是音乐创作的自然资源。

9.She was a folk singer, and I tried to sing folk songs, so we had that in common.她是一个乡村歌手,我也会试着唱乡村歌曲,这是我们的共同点。

10.His music has broad tunes, and is easy to follow, due to its indirect quotation of the Russian folk songs and repgions melodies.他的音乐曲调宽广,易于上口,间接地根植于民间歌曲和古宗教旋律。