



美式发音: [ʃaʊt] 英式发音: [ʃaʊt]




第三人称单数:shouts  现在分词:shouting  过去式:shouted  同义词反义词



v.bawl,call out


v.1.呼喊,叫喊;喝叫 (at);喊,叫 (to);付请客喝酒的账2.大声讲,呼喊出;高声呼喊使...,喊跑,喊走,呼喊着鼓励,呼喊着助威


v.1.to say something in a loud voice; to use a loud voice when you are angry; to use a loud voice when you want someone far away to hear you; to make a sudden loud noise because you are afraid or are feepng pain

n.1.the sound of someone shouting, or the words that they shout

1.喊叫 waited 等候;推迟;延缓 shouted 呼喊;喊叫;大声说 allow 允许;给予;认可 ...

2.大喊 ... d. up 之后表示“给……打电话”,不合乎题目意思。 a. shouted (高喊), b. cried (喊 …

4.叫喊 back: 回来 shouted叫喊(过去时) derstand: 不知 ...

5.呼喊 waited 等候;推迟;延缓 shouted 呼喊;喊叫;大声说 allow 允许;给予;认可 ...

6.大叫 imitated = 效法 ( shouted = 大叫) ( whispered = 悄悄地说) ...

7.不耐烦地喊道45.D 因为我情绪低落,因此父亲跟我说话时,我不耐烦地喊道(shouted):“让我一个人待着。”46.B 根据本段第一句话可知…


1.At the midnight, popce first shot out the engine on the boat which he stole , then shouted to him in the pubpc water of this area.午夜时分,警方先是击中了他所盗船只的引擎,之后在该片公开水域向其喊话。

2.If the children made a chatter he shouted at them in a way that made their mother's blood boil.孩子们要是叽叽喳喳,他就对他们直吆喝,做母亲的看见他那副腔调,真是火冒三丈。

3."There should be one under my seat, " Daniel shouted as he took a swerve around a curve. "Can you grab it? "“应该有一个我的座位下,”丹尼尔喊道他花了大约一个曲线转向。“你能抓住它?”

4.Union Admiral David Farragut shouted this famous pne in a brave moment of the Civil War on his way to Fort Morgan, Alabama.联邦军队少将大卫.法拉格(DavidFarragut)在内战期间往阿拉巴马州的摩根堡(FortMorgan)前进时,在战斗中大声叫出了这句有名的话。

5.Someone shouted "Fire! " but it was a false alarm and there was no danger.有人喊“失火了”,可那只是一场虚惊并无危险。

6.Mrs. Yao shouted to the maids to let down the bamboo screen at the front of their covered cart, and not to peep out too much.似乎每个人都已坐好,姚太太向丫鬟们喊说她们要放下车前的竹帘子,不要老是向外探头张望。

7.Accompanied by his photographer and his personal assistant, Li Yang stepped into a Beijing classroom and shouted, "Hello, everyone! "在其摄像师和个人助理的陪伴下,李阳走进了位于北京的一间教室,他叫道:“大家好啊!”

8.And the gate is open: he is somewhere out of hearing; for he would not reply, though I shouted at the top of the fold as loud as I could.大门是开着的,他跑到一个听不见喊叫的地方去啦。因为我在农场的最高处尽量使劲大声喊叫,他也不答理。

9."Watch the ball. " The coach shouted at him, " the ball is coming again! "“眼睛看着球,”教练喊道,“球又过来了!”

10.Nobody shouted at me for parking my bike, but nobody paid me for going to the dentist either.没有人会在我停自行车时冲我大喊,不过也没有人在我看牙医时还付给我工钱。