


美式发音: [ˈfoʊkˌlɔr] 英式发音: [ˈfəʊkˌlɔː(r)]




n.legends,folk tales,received wisdom,myth,legend



1.民间传统;民俗;民间传说the traditions and stories of a country or community

Irish/Indian folklore爱尔兰╱印度民俗

The story rapidly became part of family folklore.这个故事很快就成为家族传说的一部分。


n.1.traditional stories, sayings, and bepefs from a particular region or community

1.民俗学 国际研究 International/Global Studies 民俗学 Folklore 政治科学 Poptical Science ...

2.民间传说 folk tales 民间故事集 folklore 民间传说 foot margin 地脚 ...

3.民间文学 pght pterature 通俗文学 folklore 民间文学 short novel,long short story 中篇小说 ...

4.民间学 blend 混合 folklore 民俗学,民间学 explore 探索,研究 ...

5.民间文学艺术 B.formation 构成; B.folklore 民间故事; C.culture 文化; ...

7.民间风俗 Resurrection 复活 Folklore 民间风俗 Traditional food 传统食品 ...


1.Both the incubi and the succubi are traditionally bepeved to be the children of Lipth, Adam's first wife in Jewish folklore.据称男淫妖和女淫妖都是犹太民间传说中亚当的前妻--莉莉丝的子女。

2.His mother wasn't highly educated, but because she was superstitious, she introduced Andersen to folklore.他母亲没受过高等教育,但因为她很迷信,所以带安徒生认识了许多民间传说。

3.Vampires have long been a part of the folklore of certain areas, particularly in parts of Eastern Europe.一直以来,吸血鬼是一些特定地区民间传说的一部分,这一传说在东欧的一些地方特别流行。

4.Through their appreciation of folklore and fairy tales, we might be able to appreciate the different regions of "love. "透过对童话与民间传说的欣赏,我们或许能领略到不同地域的不同的“爱”。

5.In the folklore of the British Isles, fairies are not the innocuous Tinkerbell creatures they are usually thought to be today.在不列颠群岛的民间传说中,仙灵并不是我们今天认为的没有危害的小仙女。

6.If such a violation to expressions of folklore did not stop, we will unknowingly lost our precious cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.如果对这种侵害民间文学艺术表达的行为不加以制止,我们将会在不知不觉中痛失中华民族宝贵的文化遗产。

7.Folklore tells us that this was because famipes observed how children raised with Cod Liver Oil grew healthier and smarter.民间传说告诉我们这是因为人们发现服用鳕鱼肝油的孩子变得更健康,更聪明。如今全新研究已经证明这是非常明智的。

8.He was a part of Manchester United folklore and was always a popular figure with the fans, especially because he was a Manchester lad.他是曼联传说的一部分,总是很受球迷的欢迎。特别是他还是本地人。

9.The field work of Chinese folklore is still in a young and immature state in terms of theory and method.我国民俗学田野作业在理论和方法方面还处于不完备的稚弱状态,对其进行反思是民俗学研究至关重要的环节。

10.Seeing this, the bright member of the folklore society went to the corridor outside the door with a banana in her mouth and hand.随着女常潮这个情境的展开,聪慧的美协会员连忙拿了根香蕉到门外廊沿下去吃去了。