


美式发音: ['bet] 英式发音: ['bet]





1.贝蒂 Bess 贝斯 Bette 贝蒂 Blanche 布兰奇 ...

2.贝特 Bonny 芭妮 Bette 贝特 Bevan 贝文 ...

3.我爱贝蒂 Bette Midler( 贝蒂米勒) Bette( 我爱贝蒂) Carole King( 卡洛金) ...

4.电视影集 ... 1996-1997 Another World (电视影集) 2000 Bette (电视影集) 2005 Lady Luck (预计六月和全世界见面) ...

5.贝托 ... Moira 茉怡拉 Bette 贝托 Tina 帝纳 ...

6.甜菜 05 母鸡 Poule 06 甜菜 Bette 07 桦树 Bouleau ...


1."I never thought of it pke that, " said Bette, as if she had thought of it all sorts of other ways.“我从来没有这样想过。”蓓蒂说,就好像她对这个问题有过各种各样的其他想法似的。

2."Grosvenor House, the Ritz and Park Lane are all out" , said Bette, as proud as if she had done the whole thing herself.“格罗文纳饭店,利茨,公园巷饭店全都罢了工,”蓓蒂说,得意洋洋地就像她一手搞成的似的。

3.Bette, full of her grievances, was glad to find a stranger ready to psten.贝特能找到一个陌生人愿意听她的满腹牢骚倒是满高兴。

4.Beals: Bette knows a lot more than I do, but I don't need an interpreter so much anymore.Bette比我懂得更多,不过我不再那么需要一个翻译员了。

5.The massive confusion over cause and effect reminds me of a scene from the 1938 classic Bette Davis and Henry Fonda film, Jezebel.这关于起因和结果的巨大混乱让我想起了1938年的经典影片《Jezebel》中的一幕。

6.Relationship-oriented leaders performed Bette in moderately favorable situations.在中等有利的情境中,关系取向的领导者效果更好。

7.Personally, I think Tina was squashed, but it was her fault too because she glommed onto Bette's identity, at times.个人来说,我觉得Tina被压服了,不过那也是她的责任,因为有时候她太依附Bette的性格了。

8.Bette came to tell her about the end of the strike.蓓蒂跑来告诉她罢工结束了。

9.The lack of a boundary between Bette and Tina blows my mind.Bette和Tina之间的缺乏分界线让我觉得很不可思议。

10.Bette glanced earnestly round at the friendly faces, and seemed to draw strength from their approval.蓓蒂恳切地向四面看看那些友好的面孔,好像由于他们赞同而得到些力量。