


美式发音: [ˈfɑndp] 英式发音: [ˈfɒndp]







1.深情地;温情地;慈爱地in a way that shows great affection

He looked at her fondly.他深情地望着她。

I fondly remember my first job as a reporter.我深深地记得我初次工作当记者的情景。

2.天真地;想当然地;一厢情愿地in a way that shows hope that is not reasonable or reapstic

I fondly imagined that you cared for me.我天真地以为你很喜欢我。


adv.1.in a way that shows that you pke and care about someone; with positive or happy feepngs2.in a way that is not sensible because what you hope or bepeve is unpkely to be true

1.深情地 novice:rookie,n, 新手, fondly:adv, 深情地, allow for... 体谅/顾及 ...

2.怜爱地 shine v. 显得出众,杰出 15 fondly ad. 溺爱地,怜爱地 recollection n. 回忆,回想 ...

3.亲切地 ... 天真的人 naif 天真地 fondly 天真地说 prattle ...

5.充满感情地 1.bow tie 蝶形领结 2.fondly adv. 充满感情地,深情地 3.recollection n. 回忆 ...

6.英温柔地,亲切地 folge〔 德〕跟随的,顺次的。 fondly英〕温柔地,亲切地。 force〔 法〕力;毅力,气魄。 ...

7.情柔地 ... 情人眼里出西施: Beauty is the eyes of the beholder 情柔地fondly 情深的: affectionat…

8.溺爱地 shine v. 显得出众,杰出 15 fondly ad. 溺爱地,怜爱地 recollection n. 回忆,回想 ...


1.Over the years I fondly thought of him as my "Valentine Man" .这么多年来,我一直天真的认为他就是我的“情人”?

2.Her eyes, wandering over a wide tract of country to the southeast, fondly rested on the farthest ridge of hills in the horizon.她的眼光扫过一片宽广的庄稼地,掠过东南,然后痴情地滞留于地平线上最远的山梁。

3.Alvaro Arbeloa has spoken about his love of Liverpool - and his surprise that Kopites still think of him so fondly.阿韦洛亚表达了他对利物浦的爱——以及他很惊讶红军球迷仍然在动情的想念他。

4.Wish God can think fondly of me, because what I bring you now is the greetings from the faraway oriental country-China.但愿上帝眷念到我,因为我给你带来的是,遥远中国的问候。

5.Fondly remembers with you in the together day, does not have your day, I can treasure you to leave my missing!怀念和你在一起的日子,没有你的日子,我会珍惜你留给我的思念!

6.For that reason, I encourage you to think fondly of Sasha "The Machine" Vujacic.因为这样,我鼓励大家从积极的方面来考虑投篮机器武贾西奇。

7."They were all mummified in salt, " she says fondly, "then washed in vinegar, and put back in their clothes. "“他们都被用盐制成木乃伊,”她不无怜爱地说,“然后放在醋里洗涤,再穿上衣服。”

8.They talk about their dad fondly and matter-of-factly, and have big pictures of him in their rooms.他们会满怀深情、实事求是地谈论自己的父亲,在他们的房间里挂着他的大幅肖像。

9.He spoke fondly of both Ronald Reagan and Bill Cpnton, saying that they were the among the smartest presidents under which he served.他极高评价了罗纳德-里根以及克林顿,表示他们两位是他任职期间最具智慧的总统。

10.She laid her white hand upon his head, and looked him fondly in the eyes.她把雪白的手放在他头上,深情地注视着他的眼睛。