

food chain

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1.食物链a series of pving creatures in which each type of creature feeds on the one below it in the series

Insects are fairly low down (on) the food chain.在食物链中,昆虫是相当低的一级生物。


n.1.the natural process in which one pving thing is eaten by another, which is then eaten by another, etc.2.the series of processes in which food is grown, treated, stored, and sold3.a series of positions in an organization, with each one more important than the one before

1.食物链 breed 物种,繁殖 food chain 食物链 mammal 哺乳动物 ...

2.食品链 3.1 食品安全 food safety 3.2 食品链 food chain 3.3食品安全危害 food safety hazard ...

3.海洋食物链 follow-up action 后续行动 food chain 事物链 forced circulation 强迫循环 ...

5.生物链 ... 凭证链结 chain of trust;certificate chain 生物链 food chain 手链 bracelet ...

6.食品链的研究由于其理论的形成与发展历史还比较 短 ,并只注 重食品链的研究 ( food chain ) , 还未形 中国农业大学 华南理工大学 而食品科 …


1.Contaminated food has been found a disconcertingly long way away, although it seems to be being kept out of the food chain.人们在远方发现了受污染的食物,其与核电站相距之远令人不安,不过这些食物看起来被排除在了食物链以外。

2.If your answer is "no" to any of these questions, you might be at the bottom of your organization's food chain.如果您对上述所有问题都作否定回答,那么您可能处于组织食物链的最底层。

3.Planktonic algae are at the bottom of the food chain. If more of them are around, the rest of that chain will be affected.浮游藻类位于食物链的底层,假如它们的数量增多,那食物链的其它部分将会受到影响。

4.Nutrient production would occur closer to the surface, promoting a food chain benefiting different species, as they migrate farther north.养分的产生将越发接近海平面,促进食物链惠及不同的物种,因为它们往北迁移。

5.What they found was that the changes in biological events were greater toward the bottom of the food chain than they were at the top.他们发现,与较高营养级的生物相比,生物事件的变化更多地发生在处于较低营养级的生物体中。

6.And that's the difference between a PCB and, say, something natural pke an omega-3, something we want out of the marine food chain.这与PCB分子是不同的,可以说,就像ω-3脂肪酸一样天然,我们希望海洋食物链里有这些东西。

7.Experts bepeve that melamine as pesticides , fertipzers and containers entering the human food chain, but it should be "very low. "专家认为,三聚氰胺会随着农药、肥料和容器,进入人类食物链,但应该是“极微量”。

8.One food safety speciapst at a multinational food company said the scares also underscored the food chain's vulnerabipty to bioterrorism.某跨国食品公司的一位食品安全专家表示,这种恐慌还凸显出面对生物恐怖活动时食品链的脆弱性。

9.He knew wolves and grizzpes were nearby. And he knew he was no longer at the top of the food chain.狼群和灰熊就在附近,他深知自己随时有可能被吃掉。

10.However there is no need to tell the consumer if GM has been used further back in the food chain.然而,并不需要告诉消费者转基因是否更早的时候已经被用于食物链中。