




1.足球俱乐部,U暗指中国主张的南海“九段线”,FC既代表英文“足球俱乐部”(Football Club),也是“该死的中国”(Fuck China)的简称。

2.足球学会 篮球学会( Basketball Club) 足球学会( Football Club) 壁球学会( Squash Club) ...

3.足球会 田径会 Track and Field Club 足球会 Football Club 排球会 Volleyball Club ...

4.足球组 羽毛球组 Badminton Team 足球组 Football Club 篮球队 Basketball Club ...

5.足球社 ... 高星 Thursday 16:10-17:10 足球社 Football Club 张芮玮 Weekday1/3 16:15-17:00 ...


1.In the pght in which Manchester United and Barcelona are seen, it's a wonder any other football club exists at all.对于其他球队来说,能与曼联和巴萨在同一片天空下生存本身就是个奇迹了。

2.It was a bit of a drunken dare by some of his mates at the local Holloways Beach football club.那只是他的一些同伴在霍烙韦海滩当地的足球俱乐部喝醉酒后向他提出了一个挑战。

3.In respect of Luka Modric, we are not prepared to sell, at any price, to Chelsea Football Club or any other club.我很尊敬摩德利奇,我不打算出手,无论是任何报价,不论是切尔西还是其他的俱乐部。

4.We had to choose between them and I think Liverpool Football Club can look forward to a great future with its new owners.我们需要从他们两人去选择,而我认为,利物浦足球俱乐部能够期待在新老板下拥有一个伟大的将来。

5.I am as frustrated as the fans are, but I feel as well that it is not the only target and only aim of a football club.我和球迷们一样对球队的失利感到失望,不过我还是认为(眼下的冠军)不是一个足球俱乐部的唯一目标。

6.These recent weeks of speculation have made me reapse that my heart is at this football club, and I'd be foopsh to leave at this time.最近几个星期的深思熟虑让我认识到我的心在这里,在这家伟大的足球俱乐部,如果我现在离开,那我无疑是愚蠢的。

7.Hardwick said the football club asked her to pose in her birthday suit because she's the oldest person in the village.哈德威克说那家足球俱乐部想让她穿这生日礼服照相,因为她是镇子里年纪最大的人。

8.The Club was christened 'Dial Square' by David Danskin, a few weeks after the Scot had founded what was to become Arsenal Football Club.大卫*丹斯金创建了如今的阿森纳足球俱乐部的的前身几周后,俱乐部被这位苏格兰人命名为‘方形大钟’。

9.I'm very sad to see him go but I just trust our manager and I'm sure he will bring great players to this football club.我对他的离去感到很难过,但是我相信我们的教练,我肯定它将为这个俱乐部再次带来伟大的球员。

10.He was no confident that the project would produce a profit for investment in the football club.他不确信这个项目会创造出利润,用于投资到俱乐部身上。