




1.数个世纪以来 cost-effective--- 成本效益 For centuries--- 数百年来,数个世纪以来 pay raise--- 加薪 ...

2.有好几个世纪 ... 272. from now on 从现在起 273. for centuries 有好几个世纪 274. the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋 ...

3.有好几个世纪了 in place of 代替 for centuries 有好几个世纪了 patches of 一块一块的 ...

4.好几百年来 ... 3. take part in 参加 4. for centuries 好几百年来,数个世纪以来 ...

5.数百年来 cost-effective--- 成本效益 For centuries--- 数百年来,数个世纪以来 pay raise--- 加薪 ...

6.几个世纪来 ... flood 洪水,水灾 for centuries 几个世纪来 get under control 控制住,得到控制 ...

7.几个世纪以来 ... 35. spread throughout the world 传播到全世界 36. for centuries 几个世纪以来 37. make sth. by hand 手工制作… ...


1.With names enduring for centuries it is possible that the sign above the door is as old as the pleasure of drinking itself.既然酒吧的名字能够流传数百年,那么酒吧门上方挂着的招牌大概也与喝酒本身的乐趣一样,历史悠久,源远流长。

2.Licorice has been used for centuries as an expectorant to loosen phlegm.甘草用于化痰已有几个世纪了。

3.John, from the beloved disciple, had been a favorite name for centuries all over Christendom .约翰来自受人爱戴的信徒,几个世纪以来这个名在基督教世界一直很受欢迎。

4.A remarkable weight management patch containing traditional pharmacopeial herbs which have been used for centuries to control appetite.包含传统药典药材,数百年来已用于控制食欲的一个显着的体重管理补丁。

5.The sea still serves as a byway, grocery, laundry, workplace, and playground for the local inhabitants, just as it has for centuries.大海几个世纪以来一直成为当地居民的小道,杂货店,洗衣房,车间和运动场。

6.Anything that has lasted for centuries is worth a closer look to see if any part of the concept will work for you.凡是已延续数百年,是值得细看看看任何部分的观念将你。

7.The artist took a scene that had dominated art for centuries and gave it a completely new perspective.廷托雷托画了几个世纪以来的占主导艺术的一个场景,完全是一种新的视角。

8.Because for centuries, glamour had a very particular meaning, and the word was actually used differently from the way we think of it.因为时代变迁,魅力会相应的有着其特定的含义,而且这个词汇实际上和我们设想的方式是截然不同的。

9.It is an herb native to Paraguay that has been used for centuries as a sweetener.它是巴拉圭的一种本地药草,作为甜味剂已经使用几百年。

10.Echinacea has been used for centuries to help support strong immune systems.紫锥花几个世纪以来一直用于支持强有力的免疫系统。