




1.寻找灵感 ... 作者: 张宗磊 Zhang Zong-lei 寻找灵感 For inspiration 寻找创作的灵感 Find inspiration ...

2.他的灵感 他的灵感 For inspiration, 来源于当时的技术奇迹 he drew on a technological wonder of the age, ...


1.If you were ever to put a famous woman's body on your fridge for inspiration, whose would it be?做一个假设,你为了寻找灵感将一个著名女人的照片放在你的冰箱上,那会是谁?

2.A lot of people are quick to say how much PowerShell looked to Unix for inspiration.很多人很快就能说出PowerShell从Unix中获得了很多灵感。

3.Christian had been spending two hours a week browsing websites and cookbooks looking for inspiration.贝希每周花两小时流览各种网站和美食书籍,寻找晚餐的灵感。

4.Brazil has a culture all of its own, but it looks for inspiration to America more than it does to its Spanish-speaking neighbours.巴西有自己独特的文化,但其更希望启迪美国,而非它讲西班牙语的邻国。

5.Each team's three tasters sniff, swirl, spit, confer; one puts his face in his hands, searching for inspiration.每一组的3名品评者嗅,摇,吐,回味,一位选手将脸埋在他的双手中,以寻找灵感。

6.Aspiring young architects did not, understandably enough, look to Britain for inspiration or even training.年轻有抱负的印度建筑师们却选择远走英国寻求设计灵感甚至专业培训,这也可以理解。

7.Put on music that moves you, and perhaps place a photo of your love in front of you for inspiration.放些感动你的音乐,也许在你面前放一张你所爱的人的照片会很好。

8.It's a good place to go for inspiration or to find examples of existing patterns.它是寻找灵感、找寻已有模式实例的很好的地方。

9.For those looking for inspiration, passion and hope, "The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind" depvers.对于那些想寻求灵感,激情和梦想的人,《追风少年》是最适合他们的了。

10.If you're looking for a way to put Ani Phyo's philosophy into practice, don't bother looking at supermodels for inspiration.如果你在寻找一种将AniPhyo’s的哲理付诸实践的方法,就不要费力去看超模来寻求动力。