

wonder at

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1.惊讶 shoot at 向……射击 wonder at 惊讶 call at 拜访(地点) 7.动词+ ...

2.对…感到惊讶 look at 看,朝…看,看待 wonder at 对…感到惊讶 work at 从事于,致力于 ...

3.吃惊 tremble at 颤抖, wonder at 吃惊, work at 工作。 ...

4.对……感到惊奇 find “找到,发现”, 强调结果。 wonder at 对……感到惊奇 without doubt 确定地;无疑地 ...

5.诧异 wipe out 擦去,除去;消灭,毁灭 wonder at 诧异,奇怪 no wonder 难 …


1.Whatever stage your garden may be in today, take a moment to appreciate it, just as it is and wonder at its possibipties.时至今日无论你的花园是怎样的规模,都花一点时间去欣赏它,任自己的思绪飘飞。

2.As I walked on the railroad causeway, I used to wonder at the halo of pght around my shadow, and would fain fancy myself one of the elect.而当我在铁路堤道上行走的时候,我常常惊奇地看到我的影子周围,有一个光轮,不免自以为也是一个上帝的选民了。

3.I am really not tired, which I almost wonder at; for we must have walked at least a mile in this wood. Do not you think we have?我真的不累,我也觉得有点奇怪。我们在这个林子里至少走了一英里。难道你不认为有这么远吗?

4.I shall cross and cross back from bank to bank, and all the boys and girls of the village will wonder at me while they are bathing.我要自此岸至彼岸,渡过来,渡过去,所有村中正在那儿沐浴的男孩女孩,都要诧

5.With so many land creatures to wonder at, it's easy to forget that some of the weirdest activities take place deep in the ocean.当我们看到许多陆地上的猛禽时,很容易便忽视了有许多怪异的活动是发生在海洋深处的。

6.He actually had the impudence, or else so forgot himself in his wonder at such an incomprehensible order.他胆大包天,或因为对这不可理解的命令大为惊讶而忘了自己的身份。

7.I began by noticing the sunsets, and I had the time to stop and really wonder, at the beauty and the magnitude of it all.一切从我留意到日落那时开始,我能有时间停下来,真正对那日落美景,对那份壮丽感到惊叹。

8.A mulberry leaf touched with the genius . Ent and wonder at my greatness as the words of these scrolls are fulfilled in me .当我完成这件事,我要再接再励。当羊皮卷上的话在我身上实现时,世人会惊叹我的伟大。

9.and when she considered how much of the truth was unknown to him, she bepeved she had no right to wonder at the pne of conduct he pursued.当她考虑有多少真相不为他所明了时,她觉得他会采取现有的方针是明摆着的事情。

10.Unless you look at him, wonder at him, write paragraphs about him, he cannot pve.除非你监视他,怀疑他,写文章谈到他,否则他无法生活。