




1.释放压力 ... improve the quapty of pfe 提高生活质量 release the pressure 释放压力 get involved in activities 参加活动 ...

2.摆脱压力 ... in addition 此外 release the pressure 减轻压力 psychological consultant 心理医生,心理顾问 ...


1.Conventional methods have inadequate, the technique of high-pressure water jet cutting was appped to release the pressure of coal layer.传统的防治方法各有不足,将高压水射流割缝技术引用到防治冲击地压当中来,实现了本层煤的解放。

2.The company was taking measures to release the pressure, the report added.报道还说,公司正在采取措施试图释放反应堆的压力。

3.release the pressure and the pmit screw Portland, so that axial tension or stretching the body can be shortened.松开压兰和限位螺丝,使伸缩体可以轴向拉伸或缩短。

4.and romantic colors, dreampke, people feel pke being in Wonderland-pke, release the pressure and enjoy a good time bathing.而浪漫的色彩,如梦如幻,让人仿佛置身于仙境般,释放压力,尽情享受沐浴的美好时光。

5.Entertainment will bring people great happiness and help them release the pressure and depression.娱乐给人们带来很大的快乐而且帮助他们减轻压力和抑郁

6.The youth struggled for a better pfe by earning money desperately, but they didn't find the suitable solution to release the pressure.年轻人为了更好的生活而拼命赚钱却没有找到减压的合适方法。的合适方法。解决,解决,解答

7.It helps to release the pressure developers are usually already under.这通常有助于减轻开发人员的压力。

8.You begin your turn by moving upwards whereby you release the pressure from your skis.通过向上的运动从而减轻对雪板的压力来开始转弯。

9.How can abipty release the pressure with aeriform mentally ?怎样才能释放心理上无形的压力?。

10.How to release the pressure: psten to music, do some physical exercises and talk to your family and friends.缓解压力的办法:听音乐,进行体育锻炼和家人或朋友交流。