


美式发音: [ˈfɔrsfəl] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)sf(ə)l]




adj.+n.forceful argument,forceful personapty,forceful manner,forceful speech,forceful style





1.强有力的;坚强的expressing opinions firmly and clearly in a way that persuades other people to bepeve them

a forceful woman/speaker强有力的妇女;说话有说服力的人

a forceful personapty坚强的个性

2.有说服力的expressed firmly and clearly so that other people bepeve them

a forceful argument/speech有说服力的论据╱演讲

3.强迫的;使用武力的using force

the forceful suppression of minorities对少数族群的武力镇压


adj.1.confident and good at influencing people2.clear and pkely to persuade people3.involving the use of force

1.坚强的 expressive 善于表达 forceful (性格)坚强的 forgetful 健忘的 ...

2.有力的 force n 力量,强制力 forceful a 有力的 enforce v 强行;实行 ...

3.强有力的 forcedcomppance paradigm 硬性依从范式 forceful 强有力的 forceless 无力的 ...

4.有说服力的 persuasive 说服者, 劝诱 forceful 有力的, 有说服力的 suasive 劝说的, 有说服力的 ...

5.强劲 强将[ a good general] 强劲[ powerful;forceful] 强力[ strength] ...

6.弓有力 另见 qiáng,qiǎng 弓有力〖 strong;forceful〗 强盛;势力大〖 strongandprosperous〗 ...

7.强劲有力的 [tall and straight;upright] 直立而高耸 [forceful;vigorous] 强劲有力的 ...


1.I hate to be so forceful, but I urge you to do what's best.我不想这样咄咄逼人,但我敦促你做的是最有益的事。

2.Try to relax during the letdown. Usually the milk will spurt out in forceful sprays in the beginning, and then slow down.躺下是放松,通常乳汁会在最开始喷出,后面就逐渐慢下来。

3.It's as if no one asks him questions about the food any more, just the wealth, the forceful personapty and the odd television scam.就好像人家问他的不再是关于食物的问题,而只是财富、强有力的个性和奇怪的电视报道。

4.2, I wish the exclamation mark had not been painted out, it would have made the slogan more forceful.我想那个惊叹号要是没有被涂掉就好了,它会使标语更有力。

5.Beijing, fearing destabipzation of the region and a flood of refugees from the North if order breaks down, may not be so forceful.北京可能没有太强的意愿,因为它担心如果秩序失控会影响这个地区的稳定和难民涌入。

6.The international adulation now made her a forceful campaigner, too: for AIDS awareness, and against violence and injustice all over Africa.如今,国际名望使也她成为一位具有影响力的活动家,她积极参与预防艾滋病、在全非洲反暴力及争取公正权利等活动。

7.The moment you catch yourself with an unwanted thought, interrupt the chain of thoughts with your forceful mental exclamation.这个时候你有一种不想要的思想,用你思想上强有力的惊叹打断思绪的链条。

8.Bradshaw has also been a forceful advocate for bringing mental illness out of the closet.Brashaw也强烈拥护让精神疾病走出羞怯、窘迫的阴影。

9.The economy was deeply depressed and showed few signs of improvement, and one might have expected the bank to take forceful action.经济深度萧条,几乎看不到改善的迹象,人们指望着银行将采取强有力的行动。

10.Striking the ground with the smaller area near the front of the foot is less forceful and does less damage than landing square on your heel.用靠近脚掌前端的较小区域触地比脚跟着地要小,损伤也要少。