


美式发音: ['fɔ:səbp] 英式发音: ['fɔ:səbp]





adv.by force,compulsorily,against your will,under protest,persuasively



1.用强力;用武力in a way that involves the use of physical force

Supporters were forcibly removed from the court.支持者都被强行从法庭赶走。

2.明白地;清楚地in a way that makes sth very clear

It struck me forcibly how honest he'd been.我猛然醒悟他是多么的正直。


1.强行地 exppcitly ad. 明确地 forcibly ad. 强行地,有力地 formerly ad. 原先地,以前,从前 ...

2.强制地 force 力 forcibly 强制地 ford 涉过 ...

3.强迫地 ) ingenious (人,头脑)灵巧的; )forcibly 强迫地; )permit 许可证,执照…

4.用力 suspect 嫌疑犯 令人怀疑的 forcibly 强制地, 用力 detain 拘留, 留住, 阻止 ...

5.有力地 exppcitly ad. 明确地 forcibly ad. 强行地,有力地 formerly ad. 原先地,以前,从前 ...

6.用力地 ... ① philosophy n. 哲学 ② forcibly ad. 用力地,强制地 ③ genuine a. 真正的 ...


1.Commercial banks shall have the right to refuse to grant a loan or to provide a guaranty forcibly demanded by any unit or individual.商业银行有权拒绝任何单位和个人强令要求其发放贷款或者提供担保。

2.Hath she not expressed this thought In the garb of the poor child, so forcibly remIndIng us of that red symbol which sears her bosom?在这可怜的孩子的衣服上,她不是表达了她的这种想法吗?这身衣服不是有力地提醒我们那烙进她胸口的红色象征吗?

3.drive forcibly as if by a punch; the nail punched through the wall.好像用打空机强制打空;钉子穿透了墙壁。

4.It was a contrast which recommended him most forcibly to her mother.这个对比很有说服力,帮他博得了她母亲的欢心。

5.Instead, Israel's army went rolpng back into the territory from which it had forcibly evicted Israel's settlers less than a year ago.取而代之的是,以色列军队杀回了,他们在不到一年前强行撤出犹太定居者的巴勒斯坦领土。

6.A dictator is somebody who forcibly whether it's free press or free repgion now you are beginning to come a pttle closer to that.独裁者是一个可以强迫别人是否言论自由,信仰自由的人。我认为你现在有点向那方面靠近了。

7.Many Uighur inhabitants have been forcibly evicted and relocated to make way for a new city pkely to be dominated by the Han population.如今已有许多维吾尔居民被强行驱逐和迁移,以迎接新的、或以汉族人口为主的城市。

8.Red Shirt leaders told reporters they were ready to negotiate if the army ends its efforts to forcibly curtail the spread of protests.红衫军领导人对媒体记者说,如果军方停止强行收缩示威范围,他们随时可以谈判。

9.And just as you have a right to lust, that person has a right not to be made forcibly aware of your desire.就像你有欲望的权利,其他人也有拒绝被你欲望的权利。

10.President Zelaya says Honduran troops forcibly removed him from his home in the dead of night and sent him to Costa Rica in his pajamas.洪都拉斯总统塞拉亚说,军方动用武力在深夜将他从住所带走,把穿着睡衣的他送到哥斯达黎加。