

sun dance

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n.1.an important ceremonial dance of Native North American peoples pving on prairies, held annually in honor of the Sun

1.圣得西 慕驰 MUCHI 圣得西 Sundance 曼伯斯 manberce ...

2.圣丹斯北京时间月日消息,据国外媒体报道,著名美国电影人、圣丹斯(Sundance)电影节的创办人罗伯特-雷德福(RobertRedford)近日 …

3.日舞开心咖啡:咖啡夜语★★★★推荐《咖啡夜语》欢迎你加入......一... 生如 …

7.桑德斯●4月27日消息,汉龙集团与喀麦隆政府、澳大利亚桑德斯Sundance)资源有限公司达成协议并结成战略伙伴关系,将共同开 …


1.Former Sundance chairman, George Jones, has been trying to help bereaved relatives cope with their sudden loss.桑当斯公司前总裁乔治。琼斯一直在努力帮助死者亲属从突降噩耗的悲哀中恢复。

2.CUT TO BUTCH AND SUNDANCE . BUTCH glances at MACON'S gun belt for a moment , then shakes his head .布奇和桑德斯。布奇看了一眼麦肯的手枪子弹带,然后摇了摇头。

3.Judging by the films on offer at the Sundance film festival this month, every documentary maker now wants to be the next Mr Gore.从本月的圣丹斯电影节上的电影可以看出,每个纪录片制作家都想成为下一个“戈尔先生”。

4.He serves on the board of the Writers Guild of America West and is an artistic director of the Sundance Institute Writing Labs.他在美国西部作家协会管理层工作,同时也是桑德斯学院写作实验室的艺术总监。

5.In 2002, the film was nominated for an Oscar and was named best documentary at Sundance, but PBS had no plans to release it on DVD.该片曾在2002年获得奥斯卡提名并赢得圣丹斯(Sundance)电影节最佳纪录片奖。但是当时PBS并不打算发行DVD版本。

6.It was the first time a writer or director had been chosen to workshop two different projects at Sundance.这是圣丹斯电影节有史以来第一次邀请同一个人以不同身份参加两场不同的研讨会。

7.I have never really met with movie stars butsince I'm going to Sundance, I asked to see if I could meet RobertRedford, whose work I admire.在去圣得西之前我并没有见过电影明星,这次去圣得西,我会见到罗伯特·莱特福德,我最欣赏的一个人。

8.I'm not sure Sundance would be able to find a suitable replacement for the four Hopday Village theaters, even if they tried.我不确定就算他们很努力,圣丹斯是否能找到一个适合的地方代替第四个度假村剧场。

9.In his spare time, he has performed The Planets with the Cleveland Orchestra, served as a Sundance Film Festival judge.閒暇之馀,他还与克里夫兰交响乐团合作演出〈行星组曲〉、担任美国日舞影展评审。

10.Now that Sundance is over it is time to look ahead to the next major American film festival, South by Southwest.现在圣丹斯国际电影节已经结束,该是时候去期盼下一个位于美国南部西南主要的电影节了。