


美式发音: [ˈfɔrəstər] 英式发音: [ˈfɒrɪstə(r)]






1.林务员;护林人a person who works in a forest, taking care of the trees, planting new ones, etc.


n.1.someone whose job is to take care of a forest, and to cut down and plant trees

1.森林人 林网〖 forestnetwork〗 林务员forester〗 林下〖 retirement〗 ...

3.林务官 Agricultural scientist 农业学家 Forester 林务官 Chemist 药剂师 ...

4.斯巴鲁森林人 Environmental Consultant 环境顾问 Forester 护林员 Forester 林务员 ...

6.护林族 福特 Forest 福雷斯特 Forester 福雷斯特 Forster ...

8.斯巴鲁新森林人[p] 斯巴鲁新森林人Forester):温情野兽[/p][p] [/p][p] 斯巴鲁,这个取意金牛座昴星团,由六连星构成标识的日本汽车品牌在 …


1."None of us knew how ill she was over the last four and a half years, " adds Estee Lauder (EL) board member Lynn Forester de Rothschild.雅诗兰黛(EsteeLauder)董事会成员琳恩•罗思柴尔德补充道:“在过去四年中,我们都不知道她的病情有多重。”

2.There are practical difficulties in determining how much is relevant to the forester.究竟有多少对于林业工作者是适用的,实际上就难说了。

3.But after Monday's bloodbath, Forester was looking at the index puts and thinking, "Wow, I wish I had a lot more of these things. "但是周一股市暴跌之后,佛瑞斯特看着手头的指数看跌期权,心想,“我真该多买点。”

4.Mr. Forester grew up in Ilpnois and began his portfopo manager career in 1992.福雷斯特在伊利诺伊州长大,1992年开始从事投资组合经理生涯。

5.It started a whole new segment, one that pves on today in cars pke the Subaru Forester.它开创了一个全新的汽车细分市场,就是现在类似于斯巴鲁森林人这种车型所处的细分市场。

6.I suppose forester is pretty close to blogger though; they both keep the trees safe.不过我认为看林人比较接近博客;他们都维护树木的安全。

7.Shelby G-Town MD USA. A forester and a lawyer were in car accident and showed up at the pearly gates together.一个林务官和一个律师都在车祸中死了,他们一起来到了天国之门。

8."Then I will bring you some pve elephant tusks, " said the forester.这个人说:“那我将给你带些活象牙来。”

9.Sheriff Jupe Forester: Whatever you do, do not go into the water.谢里夫·朱莉·福雷斯特:“不管做什么,千万别下水。”

10.The additional funding will help SRC to transition the FORESTER system from a prototype to an operationally fielded system.这笔额外拨款将帮助SRC公司将FORESTER系统的研发从原型机向野外操作系统过渡。