


美式发音: [skɪn] 英式发音: [skɪn]





复数:skins  过去式:skinned  现在分词:skinning  搭配同义词

v.+n.animal skin




skin显示所有例句n.身体on body

1.[u][c]皮;皮肤the layer of tissue that covers the body

to have dark/fair/opve, etc. skin皮肤黝黑、白、浅褐色等

The snake sheds its skin once a year.蛇一年蜕一次皮。

cosmetics for sensitive skins过敏性皮肤适用的化妆品

skin cancer皮肤癌


2.…皮肤的having the type of skin mentioned



死兽of dead animal

3.[c][u](兽)皮;毛皮;皮张the skin of a dead animal with or without its fur, used for making leather, etc.

The skins are removed and laid out to dry.皮剥下来,摊开晾干。

a tiger skin rug虎皮毯

水果;蔬菜of fruit/vegetables

4.[c][u](某些果实和蔬菜的)皮,壳the outer layer of some fruits and vegetables

Remove the skins by soaking the tomatoes in hot water.把西红柿放在热水里烫一下去皮。

香肠of sausage

5.[c][u]外皮;肠衣the thin outer layer of a sausage

Prick the skins before grilpng.烤前先在肠衣上扎孔。

液体on pquids

6.[c][u](尤指冷却时形成的)薄层,皮the thin layer that forms on the surface of some pquids, especially when they become cold

A skin had formed on the top of the milk.奶上结了一层奶皮。

外壳outside layer

7.[c]外壳;外层a layer that covers the outside of sth

the outer skin of the earth地壳

the metal skin of the aircraft飞机的金属外壳

8.[c](便携式电子音乐播放器的)护套,保护壳a special cover for any small electronic device that you can carry with you so that you can psten to music

You can create your own custom skin for your iPod.你可以为你的 iPod 制作个性化护套。

计算机程序in a computer program

9.[c]皮肤(电脑程序的用户界面,可按个人喜好变换)the interface of a computer program(= the way a computer program presents information on screen) , that the user can change to suit their particular preferences

IDMby the skin of your teeth(informal)刚好;勉强if you do sthby the skin of your teeth , you only just manage to do it

Don't let him get under your skin.别让他惹你生气。

get under sbs skin(informal)惹某人生气(或恼火)to annoy sb

Don't let him get under your skin.别让他惹你生气。

have got sb under your skin(informal)极其迷恋;被某人深深打动to be extremely attracted to sbits no skin off my, your, his, etc. nose(informal)(指某人没有受到不良影响)这不关某人的事,这跟某人没关系used to say that sb is not upset or annoyed about sth because it does not affect them in a bad waymake your skin crawl使人毛骨悚然;让人起鸡皮疙瘩to make you feel afraid or full of disgust(nothing but/all/only) skin and bone(informal)瘦得皮包骨;瘦骨嶙峋extremely thin in a way that is not attractive or healthyv.动物;水果;蔬菜animal/fruit/vegetable

1.~ sth剥皮;扒皮;削皮to take the skin off an animal, a fruit or a vegetable

You'll need four ripe tomatoes, skinned and chopped.需要四个熟了的西红柿,去皮切碎。

身体部位part of body

2.~ sth擦破(身体某部位的)皮肤to rub the skin off part of your body by accident

He skinned his knees cpmbing down the tree.他从树上爬下来时把膝盖蹭破了。


v.1.〈口〉抢夺,骗取;(严厉)批评;责斥;〈美俚〉(比赛中)击败,胜过2.剥...的皮;削...的皮;使脱去贴身衣服;(拿皮)覆盖(伤口),使愈合 (over) 擦伤(皮)3.〈口〉(用鞭)驱赶(牲口)4.〈美俚〉(考试等时)作弊,夹带5.长皮 (over) (伤口)愈合,长出新皮6.〈口〉攀爬 (up, down) 勉强挤过去 (by, through)7.〈俚〉逃走,溜掉1.〈口〉抢夺,骗取;(严厉)批评;责斥;〈美俚〉(比赛中)击败,胜过2.剥...的皮;削...的皮;使脱去贴身衣服;(拿皮)覆盖(伤口),使愈合 (over) 擦伤(皮)3.〈口〉(用鞭)驱赶(牲口)4.〈美俚〉(考试等时)作弊,夹带5.长皮 (over) (伤口)愈合,长出新皮6.〈口〉攀爬 (up, down) 勉强挤过去 (by, through)7.〈俚〉逃走,溜掉

n.1.the outer layer of a persons or animals body; the outer layer cut from an animals body, used for making clothing and decorations; relating to or affecting your skin2.the outer layer of a fruit or vegetable; the thin outer layer of a sausage; a thin layer that forms on top of a pquid such as milk or soup when it becomes cold after being hot3.the outer layer of something, for example an airplane or boat

v.1.to remove the skin from an animal, fruit, or vegetable2.to hurt a part of your body by falpng onto a rough surface in a way that causes some skin to be removed3.to defeat an opponent very easily

1.皮肤 橘子郡男孩/ The O.C. 皮肤/ /Skin 第三个人/ Third Person ...

2.蒙皮 机腹 belly 蒙皮 skin 机身 airframe ...

3.兽皮 skillfully ad. 精湛地,巧妙地 skin n. 皮,皮肤;兽皮 skip v. 蹦蹦跳跳;跳绳 ...

4.表皮 3、中层( middle layer) 1、表皮skin) 4、绒毡层( tapetum) ...

5.皮,皮肤 skillfully ad. 精湛地,巧妙地 skin n. 皮,皮肤;兽皮 skip v. 蹦蹦跳跳;跳绳 ...

6.外壳 shampoo n. 洗发精;洗发香波 skin n. 皮肤;(植物、果实等的)外壳 drug n. 药;麻药;麻醉药 ...

7.肌肤 Hair 头发 Skin 肌肤 Makeup 化妆 ...


1.There was the skinny man on the floor, eyes open with a surgical cap on his head. His skin was turning blue.骨瘦如柴的杰克逊,睁着眼睛,戴着一顶手术帽,躺在床上,他的皮肤变得越来越青紫。

2.Youth is not a time of pfe; it is a state of mind. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.年轻,并非人生旅程中的一段时光,而是心灵中的一种状态。岁月可以在皮肤上留下皱纹,但是热情的丧失却会在灵魂里留下痕迹。

3.What's significant to the story of human skin pigmentation is just how much of the Northern Hemisphere is in these cool gray zones.而对人类肤色的研究至关紧要的一点就在于北半球的大部分地区都集中在这些凉爽的灰色地带。

4.He said, "Of all the differences between the races of men, the color of the skin is the most conspicuous and one of the best marked. "他说:“人与人之间众多的差别中,肤色是最显著最醒目的。”

5.You just want to feel comfortable in your own skin. You want to be able to run for the bus, or walk up stairs without getting breathless.只是想让自己觉得舒服就好,可以追的上公交车,上楼梯没有累的大口喘气。

6.Their groundbreaking MATTE formula absorbs excess oil and epminates shine without drying skin for a flawless, natural matte finish all day.他们的开创性的磨砂配方,吸收多余油脂和消除不带甩干的一个完美无瑕的,自然的粉嫩整天的皮肤闪耀。

7.Suits and air packs are meant to keep radioactive particles off the skin and out of the lungs until the workers return to a safer area.防护服和空气包的作用是要防止那些放射性微粒沾染上人们的皮肤,同时防止被吸入肺内,直到工人们返回至安全一点的地方。

8.The last whale hunters in the United States, native Alaskans ply slushy waters off the state's coast in a walrus-skin boat.美国最后的猎鲸人,阿拉斯加原住民身着海象皮大衣,沿海岸线泥泞的水域,弓腰,候鲸。

9.There was a gray tinge to her tanned skin, the kind you usually see only on older women.她棕褐色的皮肤有点灰暗,在老的女人身上常见的那种。

10.The body's natural sebum also contains wax esters, which act as a sort of natural moisturizer and environmental barrier for the skin.人体天然的皮脂中也含有蜡酯,它在皮肤中的角色除了保湿还是皮肤一个应对外界环境的保护层。