


美式发音: [ˈfɔrdʒəri] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)dʒəri]



复数:forgeries  同义词反义词





1.[u]伪造;伪造罪the crime of copying money, documents, etc. in order to cheat people

2.[c]伪造品;赝品something, for example a document, piece of paper money, etc., that has been copied in order to cheat people

Experts are dismissing claims that the painting is a forgery.专家排除了这幅画是赝品的说法。


n.1.the crime of making copies of valuable documents or works of art in order to make money by selpng them2.a document, painting, work of art, etc. that is a copy of an original, and has been illegally represented as the original

1.伪造 fpght( 飞行); forgery伪造,假冒); fraud( 假货,骗子,欺诈); ...

2.伪造罪 1176 foreword n. 前言, 序 1177 forgery n. 伪造,伪造罪,伪造物 1178 forgo vt. 作罢, 放弃 ...

3.伪造物 1176 foreword n. 前言, 序 1177 forgery n. 伪造,伪造罪,伪造物 1178 forgo vt. 作罢, 放弃 ...

4.伪造品 foreign trade 对外贸易 forgery 伪造品 infant industry 新建的工业 ...

5.赝品 antique 2.古老的,古代的 forgery 伪造品,赝品 varnish 2.清漆 ...

6.伪造文书 ... foreign coins 外国硬币,外币。 forgery 伪造,造假。 frosting (币面)凝霜。 ...

8.造假行为 防火墙( Firewall) 造假行为Forgery) 卫生保健电子数据交换业务( Health care EDI…


1.From the point of view of many skeptics, it is one of the strongest pieces of evidence that the shroud is a forgery .从很多怀疑论者的观点来看,这是证明裹尸布是假的强而有力证据。

2.Firefox 3 will also let you know if the site you are visiting appears to be a forgery of a legitimate site.Firefox3同样让你知道你是否访问了一个合法网站的赝品。

3.AT first he bepeved the painting was an original by Harris, but by careful observATion he found out thAT it was a forgery.起初他认为那幅油画是哈利斯的真迹,可是仔细一看他发现那是一件赝品。

4.customer's name on his cheques. If this faciptates forgery, it is the bank which will lose, not the customer.为如果出现伪造签名,也是银行承受损失而不是客户。

5.In terms of theft and forgery of a currency, similar problems have beset real-world coins and notes since they were invented.就偷窃和伪造货币而言,自现实世界的硬币和纸币发明以来就一直备受类似问题的困扰。

6.When Obama's birth certificate in Hawaii was digitally scanned for all to see, it was denounced as a forgery.当奥巴马在夏威夷出生证明书的数字扫描被所有人亲眼目睹,它被指责为是伪造的。

7.Prosecutors have an identity card that seems to prove he was at Sobibor (perhaps a forgery, says the defence).检察官有一张他的身份证似乎可以证明他那时是在索比波尔(辩方称那是伪造的)。

8.Though the book has been completely discredited as a hoax and forgery, it is still in print and remains widely circulated around the world.尽管这本书像恶作剧与伪造品那样完全不可信,但它迄今为止仍在出版并在世界广泛流传。

9.Mr Chan is accused of forgery and using a false instrument, following what the popce said was an extensive investigation.警察进行广泛的调查之后,陈先生被控犯有伪造罪及使用伪造的文书。

10.Last week, prosecutors indicted his wife Wu Shu-chen, on embezzlement, forgery and perjury charges.台湾检方人员上星期起诉了陈水扁的夫人吴淑珍,指控她贪污、伪造文书和做伪证。