


美式发音: [ˌriˈoʊpən] 英式发音: [riːˈəʊpən]



第三人称单数:reopens  现在分词:reopening  过去式:reopened  



1.[t][i]~ (sth)重新开业;重新开放(商店、剧场等)to open a shop/store, theatre, etc. again, or to be opened again, after being closed for a period of time

The school was reopened just two weeks after the fire.火灾之后仅两个星期,这所学校就重新开学了。

The store will reopen at 9 a.m. on 2 January.商店将于元月 2 号上午 9 点重新开业。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)重新处理;再次开始;恢复to deal with or begin sth again after a period of time; to start again after a period of time

to reopen a discussion重新开始讨论

The popce have decided to reopen the case.警方已经决定重新调查这个案子。

Management have agreed to reopen talks with the union.资方已经同意和工会重新谈判。

The trial reopened on 6 March.审判在 3 月 6 日再次进行。


v.1.if a process reopens, or if someone reopens it, it begins again after a pause2.if a store, restaurant, theater, etc. reopens, or if someone reopens it, it opens again to customers after being closed for a period of time; if a border or road reopens, or if someone reopens it, you can cross it or travel on it again after it was closed for a period of time

1.重新打开 Open file: 打开文件 Reopen: 重新打开 Close projects: 关闭项目 ...

2.重开 服务密码 Service password 重开 Reopen 预约销户 Reserved number cancellation ...

3.再开 rental unit; 租用设备[机组] reopen再开,再断开,再开始 repaint; 重 …

4.再开始 rental unit; 租用设备[机组] reopen; 再开,再断开,再开始 repaint; 重 …

5.重开服务 终止服务 Service Terminate 重开服务 Reopen 服务计划 Service Plan ...

6.重新开业 pghting system 灯光系统 reopen 重新开业 dressing room 更衣室 ...

7.再次打开的 ... Closed( 已关闭的) Reopen再次打开的) Pending Reject( 拒绝中) ...


1.She did not quite see what was to be done until the hosiery factory at Trippetts Mills suddenly closed, never to reopen.她还是不知道怎么办才好。到后来,特里贝兹密尔斯的袜厂突然关门大吉,永远不开了。

2.If you reload (or reopen) the page, you'll see nothing different at all; the addition of an id attribute has no visual effect on a Web page.如果重新加载(或者打开)该页面,可以看到毫无变化,增加id属性对网页的外观没有影响。

3.Lax safety tends to be more of a problem when the price of copper is high, as it is now, and smaller companies open, or reopen, mines.当铜价走高(就像现在一样)促使一些较小公司新开或重开矿山时,安全管理松懈的问题往往就会更突出。

4.Now, with a bit of TLC, Tonka is being nursed back to full strength in time for the popular tourist attraction to reopen this weekend.现在,在爱的照顾下,Tonka正在渐渐的恢复,等待着动物保护区重新开放以满满的状态迎接游客。

5.Parents in Bangkok fret that schools around the protest site will not be able to reopen after a hot-season break.曼谷的父母们则担心,抗议点周围的学校在炎热季节停课后,便不开课了。

6.Schools will reopen in a few days. The railway station shall face the peak passenger flow of large returning student population.再过几天就是开学的日子了,大量的学生返程,也让火车站迎来了新的客流高峰。

7.You will be trying to make bricks without straw if you attempt to reopen negotiations with those people.如果你们试图与那些人重开谈判,那将是白费气力。

8.l Keep the door closed for at least 15 minutes. Reopen the door after the vapor has settled down to drive out the smell.把房间关上并至少保留15分钟的时间。一旦雾气清除后在重新开门,祛除气味。

9.It said more industrial diesel was needed to reopen the strip's sole power plant, which has been shut for a week.据说,需要更多的工业柴油发电机,用来重新开动加沙地带唯一的发电厂,该电厂已经关闭了一星期。

10.President Abbas promised the airport would reopen soon and be ready to welcome visitors.阿巴斯保证将重开机场,准备迎接到访者。