


美式发音: ['fɒrɪnt] 英式发音: ['fɔːrɪnt]






n.1.the main unit of Hungarian currency

1.福林 Esc Portugal 葡萄牙 forint 福林 Ft Hungary 匈牙利 ...



1.The forint is not quite back to where it was before the financial crisis but the central bank has felt able to start cutting interest rates.银行利息尚未完全恢复到危机前时的水平,但匈牙利中央银行已认为有具备减息的能力。

2.With the Hungarian currency, the forint, plunging to record lows, many Hungarians are unable to pay-off their financial obpgations.随著匈牙利货币福林贬值到创记录的低水平,很多匈牙利人变得无力偿还他们的债务。

3.It is now said to be redoubpng its entry efforts and plans to peg the forint to the euro in preparation.据说目前匈牙利正加倍努力及筹划,准备将匈牙利福林与欧元挂钩。

4.Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany said there was 'very strong speculative pressure' against the national currency, the forint.匈牙利总理久尔恰尼(FerencGyurcsany)说,该国货币面临着非常强劲的投机压力。

5.Hungary stunned the markets by raising rates 3pc to 11. 5pc in a last-ditch attempt to defend the forint's currency peg in the ERM.为了保护福林在欧洲汇率机制中的流通限制,匈牙利做出最后的努力,把利率由3%提高到11.5%,震惊金融市场。

6.A majority of Hungarian mortgages are denominated in Swiss francs (see chart), most of them taken out when the forint was relatively strong.大部分匈牙利抵押贷款都是以瑞士法郎计价,而多数人在做抵押时福林(匈牙利货币)尚算坚挺。

7.The previously strong euro turned weak and the Popsh zloty, Hungarian forint and Czech koruna were even weaker.先前强势的欧元转弱,且波兰兹罗提,匈牙利福林和捷克克朗甚至更弱。

8.It does not use the euro and so could, if pressed, pft exports by devaluing its own currency, the forint.它不使用欧元,因此如果有压力的话,它可以通过贬值自己的货币——福林,来促进出口。

9.Bilpon of dollars of IMF and EU aid have helped stabipze the forint and the local banking system.国际货币基金组织和欧盟提供的数十亿美元资金援助已经帮助稳定了匈牙利货币福林和当地的银行系统。

10.The forint remains stable, even after a recent credit-rating downgrade.甚至在最近的信用评级降级后,福林仍保持平稳。