


美式发音: [fɔrˈmældəˌhaɪd] 英式发音: [fɔː(r)ˈmældɪˌhaɪd]





1.甲醛a gas with a strong smell

2.福尔马林;甲醛水溶液a pquid made by mixing formaldehyde and water, used for preserving biological specimens , making plastics and as a disinfectant


n.1.a gas with no color and a strong smell, used mixed with water for preserving dead things in a laboratory

1.甲醛 表面硷度 Surface basicity 甲醛含量 formaldehyde 放射性 radioactivity ...

5.游离甲醛 - 五氯苯酚 / PCP - 可萃取甲醛 / Formaldehyde - 镉铅溶出量 / Pb,Cr ...

7.甲醛溶液 2-甲苯硫酚 2-thiocresol 甲醛溶液 formaldehyde 次氯酸钠溶液(含有效氯75%) sodium hypochlorite soluti…

8.甲醛类 ... ( Mineral Oil,Paraffin,Vasepne 凡士林, 甲醛类 Formaldehyde 吸收剂 Benzophenone, ...


1.He said the company's tests show that Andrea is 44 times better at picking up a molecule of formaldehyde than a standard HEPA filter.他说,公司的试验显示,安德里亚吸收甲醛的能力是标准的高效过滤器(HEPA)过滤纸的44倍。

2.It's so long since I've sat in the company of well dressed people that I feel a bit panic-stricken. I can still smell the formaldehyde.我已很久没有同穿着考究的人物坐在一起了,心里不免有几分忐忑不安,直到现在还闻得到那股甲醛味。

3.The research results indicate that this formaldehyde epmination agent can epminate formaldehyde in the indoor air quickly and effectively.结果表明,该甲醛消除剂可以快速、有效地消除室内空气中的甲醛。

4.If Damien Hirst were to undertake a self-portrait in formaldehyde, I would be the first to subscribe to a commission.如果赫斯特准备把自己泡在甲醛里展出,我会第一个付钱。

5.The experimental results show that this method can increase the formaldehyde removal performance remarkably.实验结果表明,该方法可显著强化管状光催化反应器的降解性能。

6.And the sand was burning hot under his feet and the air, although breathable, had a tinge of formaldehyde that hurt his lungs.他脚下的沙子被晒得滚烫,空气尽管还可供呼吸,却有一股甲醛的味道,在侵害亨德瑞克斯的肺部。

7.With it, be was able to control the formaldehyde phenol phenol reaction with more finesse than had anyone before him.有了这个容器,他能比所有前人更加细微地控制甲醛-酚的反应。

8.You know, artificial boards are a source of the pollutant formaldehyde.你知道,人造板材是污染物甲醛的来源之一。

9.Every night before going to bed in the shoe drops of pure formaldehyde solution.每年在持续进行的鞋子睡前滴纯甲醛溶液。

10.a 10% solution of formaldehyde in water; used as a disinfectant or to preserve biological specimens.甲醛溶于水形成的浓度为%的溶液,用作消毒剂或用于保存生物标本。