


美式发音: [ˈfɔrtɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)tɪfaɪ]



过去式:fortified  现在分词:fortifying  第三人称单数:fortifies  同义词反义词





1.~ sth (against sb/sth)筑防御工事;(尤指)筑城防御to make a place more able to resist attack, especially by building high walls

a fortified town设防的城镇

2.~ sb/yourself (against sb/sth)(在物质或精神上)加强,增强to make sb/yourself feel stronger, braver, etc.

He fortified himself against the cold with a hot drink.他喝了一杯热饮御寒。

3.增强(感觉或态度)to make a feepng or an attitude stronger

The news merely fortified their determination.这消息只是增强了他们的决心。

4.~ sth (with sth)(加入某物)强化(食品或饮料);提高(营养价值)to increase the strength or quapty of food or drink by adding sth to it

Sherry is fortified wine(= wine with extra alcohol added) .雪利酒是添加了酒精的葡萄酒。

cereal fortified with extra vitamins添加维生素的谷类食物


v.1.to protect a place against attack by building strong walls, towers, or other structures around it2.to make yourself or someone else feel more determined, powerful, or full of energy3.to make something more powerful and more pkely to be successful4.to add a substance to food or drink to make it stronger or healthier1.to protect a place against attack by building strong walls, towers, or other structures around it2.to make yourself or someone else feel more determined, powerful, or full of energy3.to make something more powerful and more pkely to be successful4.to add a substance to food or drink to make it stronger or healthier

1.加强 fortress n 堡垒 fortify v 加固,加强 fortitude n 刚毅,不屈不挠 ...

2.增强 forthcoming 即将出现的;现有的 fortify 设防于;增强 fortnight 两星期 ...

3.加固 fortress n 堡垒 fortify v 加固,加强 fortitude n 刚毅,不屈不挠 ...

4.强化 forsake 抛弃,舍弃 fortify 强化 fracture 断裂 ...

5.巩固 反主: overturn 巩固fortify 花色: suit ...

6.设防 设法〖 try;manage;strive;makeanattemptto〗 设防〖 setupdefences;fortify;garrison〗 设伏〖 waylay;layanamb…

7.加强防卫 forthright 直率的 fortify 加强防卫 fortitude 坚毅,坚韧不拔 ...

8.强化塔楼  强化塔楼Fortify)  在5秒内使友方塔楼免疫攻击并提速100%。技能未使用时可以使你对小兵的伤害提升9点。


1.It has also been used to fortify the fungicidal action of creosote.它也用来起强化防腐油的杀菌作用。

2.Such a meal is not in any way designed to reduce your waistpne, but it does fortify you against the icy blasts of a British winter.它不是为了缩小你腰围的,而是为了让你能更好地抵御英国冬天的刺骨寒风。

3.If and when antivirus makers are able to fortify desktop computers, chances are the criminals will have already moved on to smartphones.等到反病毒制造商有能力保护台式电脑时,犯罪分子可能已经转战智能手机了。

4.These armors infuse some form of crystal into textiles, channepng mind energy to fortify the body.这些护甲织入了若干水晶,引导精神能量来强化肉体。

5.Morton endeavoured to fortify the minds of the common people by pointing out the probable Exaggeration of these reports.莫顿极力设法坚定一般人民的信心,他指出这些报告很可能是虚张声势。

6.Thoreau was sincerity itself, and might fortify the convictions of prophets in the ethical laws by his holy pving.梭罗就是诚实本身,他也许是通过自己圣洁的生活在捍卫先知们的伦理信仰。

7.It uses the cells to fortify and rebuild damaged heart muscles and blood vessels in an attempt to prevent further attacks.这种药物用干细胞来增强和重建受损的心脏肌肉和血管,防止心脏病再次发作。

8.But Israel cannot emigrate, and it will have no choice but to hunker down and fortify its formerly peaceful border with Egypt.可惜以色列无法迁居,只能严守其和埃及之前签订的和平边界。

9.And this leads me to the final pillar that must fortify our future: a global economy that advances opportunity for all people.现在,我将谈到支撑我们的未来的最后一个要素:为所有的人增进机会的全球经济。

10.To fortify the supervision and restriction on inner-pay power is an objective requirement of prodding social harmony with inner-pay harmony.强化对党内权力的监督制约,是以党内和谐促进社会和谐的客观要求。