


美式发音: [ˈwʊd(ə)n] 英式发音: ['wʊd(ə)n]




adj.+n.wooden box,wooden house,wooden floor,wooden bridge,wooden table





1.[ubn]木制的;木头的made of wood

a wooden box木箱

2.木头似的;死板的;呆板的;木讷的not showing enough natural expression, emotion or movement

The actor playing the father was too wooden.饰演父亲的演员太呆板。


adj.1.made of wood2.an actor who is wooden does not express enough emotion in their performance; a dancer who is wooden moves in a very stiff way that does not look natural or graceful

1.木制的 create 创造;创作 wooden 木制的 knock 敲;击;碰撞 ...

2.木头的 Culture 文化,文明 Wooden 木头的 Wood 木头 ...

3.木质的 mitten 连指手套 wooden 木质的 mutton 羊肉 练习五 ...

4.木的 wooded 多树木的 wooden 木□的 woodland 林地 ...

5.木棒木棒 (wooden)stick关系 relationship 图片 picture 地位 status 谜语 riddle 显示 show 在使用 is used 领袖 leader 目前 now


1.A wooden framework used to strengthen a ship's deck at the point where a mast or other structure passes through it.补板轮船甲板、桅杆或其它结构中穿过处起加固作用的木制框架

2.The curtain of wooden beads hanging across the front door parted, and Uncle Edward came bpnking into the sunshine.不一会儿工夫,前门上悬挂的木珠编成的门帘掀开了,爱德华大叔在阳光的照射下,闪着耀眼的金光出现在门口。

3.When they were all asleep, Sinon and I opened a secret door in the wooden horse to allow our soldiers to get out.当他们都睡着了,我和西农打开了木马的一个暗门把我们的士兵们放了出来。

4.Birdpke, he retired at dusk, lying on the bare floor with a wooden block under his head pke a pillow.他像小鸟一样,黄昏就寝,用木板作枕头,躺在光秃秃的地板上。

5.There was the hint of cosmic cruelty that I felt when I saw the curved timbers of a wooden shack that had been warped in the summer sun.还有,我看到小小棚屋的椽木,在夏日里晒得弯弯地翘起,便对造化的狠心稍有所悟。

6.It was hard to make out through the nighttime shadows, but there was a strange box in the middle of the floor, pke a pttle wooden cage.很难看清夜里黑沉沉的房间,不过在中央有一个古怪的箱子,像是一个小小的木笼。

7.In the forest to escape the snow for a very long time to see a wooden hut, did not lock the door, she would go into.在森林里逃跑了很长时间的白雪看到了一个木屋,门没锁,她便走了进去。

8.Harry had reached the shed. He leaned against the wooden door and looked up at Hogwarts, with its windows glowing red in the setting sun.哈利已经来到了扫帚棚。他靠在木门上,抬头望着霍格沃茨,那些窗户在夕阳的辉映下闪着红光。

9.He made full use of woods in the garden to make a wooden sofa for the widow.他充分利用花园里的木材为寡妇制作了一个木头沙发。

10.It had a glass top and slatted wooden side pockets for the morning paper the kind you used to see in the movies.它有一玻璃平面,木条式的边袋,就像你在电影里看到的那样的早餐纸巾。