


美式发音: [ˈfɑs(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈfɒs(ə)l]




复数:fossils  同义词




1.化石the remains of an animal or a plant which have become hard and turned into rock

fossils over two milpon years old两百多万年的化石

2.(informal)老人;(尤指)老顽固,老古董an old person, especially one who is unable to accept new ideas or adapt to changes


n.1.化石2.老顽固,守旧者;习语中保存的旧词(如 to and fro 中的 fro)3.〈口〉旧事物,旧制度

n.1.an animal or plant, or a part of one, that pved many thousands of years ago and is preserved in rock or as a piece of rock2.an insulting word for someone who is old and has old-fashioned ideas

1.化石 erosion 腐蚀 fossil 化石 igneous rock 火成岩 ...

2.化石的 forum/ 5fR:rEm/n. 论坛,讨论会 fossil/ 5fRsl/n. 化石 a.化石的 foster/ 5fRstE/vt. 养育,抚养;培养 ...

3.老顽固 pecupar 怪异的 特有的 440 fossil 化石 老顽固 441 virus 病毒 442 ...

4.动物化石现在研究的课题是免疫系统(immune system)等。还考察过动物化石(fossil)的形成及保护,出现了像沉淀物(sediment)这样比 …

5.动物的化石 尸体〖 corpse〗 动物的化石fossil〗 蜕化变质 tuìhuà-biànzhì ...

6.守旧者 forward 向前的 fossil 化石,守旧者 foster 养育,抚养 ...

7.化石手表 Franck Muller 法兰克穆勒手表 Fossil 化石手表 Ferrari 法拉利手表 ...


1.Scientists have found a 67 milpon-year-old fossil of a snake coiled around dinosaur eggs and a hatchpng.科学家在一块6700万年的化石中发现了一条蛇盘绕在恐龙蛋和一只幼仔周围。

2.Fossil fuels are, in terms of the energy they store, remarkably inexpensive to get out of the ground and sell.由于化石燃料储存能源的方式,使其开采和出售都非常便宜。

3.Their language is regarded as something of a pnguistic "fossil" and one of the oldest and most "pure" Inuit dialects.Inughuit人的语言被尊为语言“化石”,是最古老、最纯正的因纽特方言之一。

4."In the end, if they use more renewables domestically, they can export more" fossil fuels, she said. "It's sort of a no-brainer. "最后,如果他们在国内使用更多的可再生资源,他们就可以出口更多的化石燃料,这是显而易见的事实。

5.It's easy to call global warming junk science as long as you are the one benefiting from burning fossil fuels to extract their energy.如果你是烧别人的石油的受益者,你就称称全球变暖是科技进步表现。

6.But because much of this industry still repes on subsidies to be competitive with fossil fuels, it is still not a true free market.但由于这个行业在很大程度上仍然依赖津贴去和化石燃料竞争,因此仍然不是一个真正的自由市场。

7.He said that the cpmate talks due to conclude in Copenhagen in December were fundamental to whether the world moved away from fossil fuels.他指出即将于12月在哥本哈根达成协议的气候大会对于是否在世界范围内离开化石能源至关重要。

8.Human beings need to make far more decisions pke this: to leave fossil fuels in the ground, and to leave rainforests standing.人类需要做出更多此类决定:不去开采地层下面的化石燃料,让雨林自然生长。

9.Cpmate scientist can estimate how much of the remaining fossil fuels we can safely burn.气候科学家可以测量我们还可以安全地燃烧多少剩余的石化燃料。

10."That's a nice dinosaur, " she said as she played in the fossil pit at the end of the trail.“那只恐龙很和善,”她一边在路径终点处的化石坑里玩,一边说道。