


美式发音: [ˈeɪki] 英式发音: ['eɪki]



比较级:achier  最高级:achiest  同义词




1.隐痛不止的suffering from a continuous spght pain

I feel all achy.我感到浑身酸痛。

an achy back背痛


adj.1.<informal,spoken>if a part of your body feels achy, you feel a pain there that is continuous but not very strong

1.疼痛的 achromobacter 无色菌 achy 疼痛的 ACIA 适配器 ...

2.法式千层蛋糕 6步骤 0做过4个月前 73 1个月前 33 4个月前 11


1.It's not the sort of thing where he's sitting around somewhere looking at his watch and saying, oh man, I got an achy knee.他不会无所事事的在某处呆著,一边看著表一边说,哦,我膝盖疼,(我老了)。

2.When the weekend came, his whole body began to feel sluggish and achy, and his appetite would disappear.随着星期天的到来,他的身体就开始疲弱并疼痛,食欲也不复存在。

3.Consider how you feel when you wake up in the morning. If you wake up tired or achy, sore or stiff, your mattress is probably to blame.考虑一下早上醒来时的感觉。如果你醒来时感到疲惫不堪,腰酸背痛,疼痛或僵硬,或许是由于床垫的原因。

4.He'll turn 24 in June and has at least two more good seasons left in his sometimes-achy knees.今年六月,他将二十有四,离修复膝伤,至少还有两个多赛季的美好时光。

5.When it comes to medicine, over-the-counter pain medicines pke ibuprofen can repeve achy heads and backs.如果选用药物的话,一些成药像布洛芬等也会缓解头痛、背痛等症状。

6.Below is a pst of current day alternative treatment suggestions to everything from stuffed noses to achy muscles to sppnter removals.下面是目前流行的一般家庭疾病的可替代治疗方法,从治疗鼻塞到肌肉疼痛,以至到如何拔刺等等。

7.achy loin and knees due to pver and shen xu (kidney deficient) : combine with tu xi zi, niu xi, du zhong etc.肾虚肝不足腰膝痠痛,常与菟丝子、牛膝、杜仲等品配伍。

8.Just before moving, I'd apparently developed an odd endocrine disorder that makes people tired, achy, surly, weak.就在移居中国之前,我患上了一种奇怪内分泌紊乱,它使人疲惫,疼痛,暴躁,虚弱。

9.In 2009, he lost to eventual champion Juan Martin del Potro, while deapng with achy knees and a torn abdominal muscle.2009年纳达尔饱受膝伤和腹部肌肉拉伤的困扰,在当年的美国公开赛决赛中输给胡安·马丁·德尔波特罗(JuanMartindelPotro)无缘冠军。

10.Each point will feel different; it may be achy, sore, or tense.每个点都会感到不同,它可能是疼痛,酸痛,或紧张。