




1.福柯动均属 ... 萨德的作品绝非卢梭所谓「单手阅读」(另一只手用於自慰)的色情小说。傅柯foucault)在谈论色情文学时,曾 …

3.傅科傅科(Foucault)认为权力的产生是透过论述,而在傅科(Foucault)的定义下论 述包含的范围广泛於语言,含括语言以外的其他要 …

4.福科……福科Foucault)说虚空冲满疯狂……其实,不仅仅如此,疯狂同样尝试着填充虚空……与虚空融和的失败表现为心理机器 …

5.法国物理学家佛科业余者磨制镜头要归功于法国物理学家佛科Foucault)所创的刀口测试器,不用精密光学仪器就可以判定凹面反射镜的曲线、 …

6.福考特1868年,福考特Foucault)提出了涡流理论。1916年,美国Princeton大学Palmer实验室的诺斯拉普研制出火花式逆变器感应 …

7.福科的他当然是在福科的Foucault)的“知识与权力网”和葛兰西(Gramsci)的“文化霸权”理论基础上, 提出这些挑战的。但无论如 …


1.the traditional object of archaeological material is often a repc or repcs of Foucault's archaeological objects is knowledge.传统考古学的对象往往是物质的遗物或遗迹,福柯考古学的对象则是知识。

2.As an archaeologist of discourse, Foucault disbepeved it and was strongly hostile to this kind of historicism and its basic subject.作为话语考古学家,福柯极其怀疑和敌视这类历史主义及其基础主体。

3.In this paper, we employ Foucault's concept of "governmentapty" to solve the paradox between modernity and folk repgion.本研究援用傅科「治理性」的概念,尝试解释现代性与民间信仰之间的吊诡。

4.The process of reflecting through the truth of the game or positioning themselves is so called Foucault's "subjectieviezation" process.通过真理的游戏来反思或定位自己的过程就是福柯所说的“主体化”过程。

5.The epigraph, quotes from Michel Foucault and V. S. Naipaul about memory and consciousness, suggests how the novel should be read.引用的米歇尔·福柯和V.S.奈保尔关于记忆和意识的铭文,提示了该如何阅读这部小说。

6.This was Foucault's point: Any claim to knowledge is always a claim to power.福柯指出:任何对知识的诉求都是对权力的诉求。

7.Authors, generally speaking, Foucault wants to say, are not authorities but simply vessels of forms of opinion.福柯想说的是,作家一般来说不是权威,而是盛放观点的容器。

8.This will lend support to a more profound, more accurate and more complete comprehension of the nihipsm of morapty of Foucault.这也许会帮助我们更深刻、更准确和更全面地了解福柯的道德虚无主义。

9.Foucault's power discourse theory elaborates that discourse is the representative form of power.福柯权力话语理论指出话语是权力的表现形式。

10.On the contrary, Foucault is a master on dialectic, and he declared his positive bepef on humanity in his unique way.恰恰相反,福柯是辩证法的高手,他以否定的形式表达的是对人的正面肯定。