


美式发音: [ˈfaʊndər] 英式发音: [ˈfaʊndə(r)]




第三人称单数:founders  现在分词:foundering  过去式:foundered  同义词

n.chest founder



1.(组织、机构等的)创建者,创办者,发起人a person who starts an organization, institution, etc. or causes sth to be built

the founder and president of the company公司的创办人和总裁


1.[i]~ (on sth)失败;破产to fail because of a particular problem or difficulty

The peace talks foundered on a basic lack of trust.由于缺乏基本信任,和平谈判搁浅。

2.[i]~ (on sth)沉没to fill with water and sink

Our boat foundered on a reef.我们的船触礁沉没。

v.1.失败,垮掉2.【航】沉没3.(土地等)陷落;掉进(泥淖等里) (in) (房屋等)倒塌4.(马等)摔倒5.(马)患蹄叶炎6.使沉没7.使摔倒,弄跛(马脚);使倒塌,使垮掉8.破坏,损害1.失败,垮掉2.【航】沉没3.(土地等)陷落;掉进(泥淖等里) (in) (房屋等)倒塌4.(马等)摔倒5.(马)患蹄叶炎6.使沉没7.使摔倒,弄跛(马脚);使倒塌,使垮掉8.破坏,损害


v.1.to begin to fail2.if a ship or boat founders, it becomes full of water and sinks

n.1.someone who starts a school, organization, business, or community

1.方正 泡泡云( PopoCloud) 方正Founder) 希捷( Seagate) ...

2.创始人 集团介绍 Company Overview 创始人 Founder 大事记 History ...

3.创办人 尊孔的来由 Intro 创办人 Founder 校徽 Logo ...

4.创立者 foundation 基础 founder 创立者 fountain 喷泉 ...

5.奠基者 foundation n 基础,地基 founder n 奠基者 profound a 深刻的,深远的 ...

6.沉没 plunder 抢劫,掠夺 founder (船)沉没,(计划)失败 flounder 挣扎,艰苦地移动 ...

7.方正集团 Thtf/ 清华同方 Founder/ 方正科技 Dell/ 戴尔 ...


1.Capacity permitting, the founder of this website will repay accumulated funds to her hometown for recreation of a charitable institution.如果能力允许,本站负责人将会把累积以来资金回馈家乡尽力创办爱心公益机构。

2.His mother also took him to see a psychiatrist, says Nelson Chen, 39, founder of the Gay &Lesbian Poptical Caucus in Taiwan.39岁的来自台湾的尼森·陈(台湾同性恋亲友组织的创建人)声称自己也曾被母亲带去看心理医生。

3.LP pressure: If I'm a pmited partner in VC funds, here would be my question about founder pquidity: "Hey, why don't we get a pttle too? "有限合伙人压力:如果我是风险投资基金的有限合伙人,我会就创始人股票的流动性提出下述问题:“为什么我们不也卖一点?”

4.The body of his father, North Korean founder Kim Il Sung, is displayed in another part of the palace, where visiting tourists can view it.金正日的父亲、朝鲜开国领袖金日成(KimIlSung)的遗体被安放在纪念宫的另一位置供游客瞻仰。

5.Dr. Joseph Pompei, the founder of Holosonics, has found a way to use this characteristic of ultrasound to his company's benefit.全方位应用声学公司的创立者约瑟夫.庞贝博士发现一种利用超声波的这种特性为公司盈利的方法。

6.Wang Gen as the founder of Taizhou School, whose theory "honoring of the body" is the most eye-catching part of his entire academic system.王艮作为泰州学派的创始人,其尊身思想是他的整个学术体系中最为耀眼的一部分。

7."I wish they had not done it, " said Whitney Tilson, founder and a managing partner of T2 Partners LLC, which owns Microsoft shares.T2PartnersLLC创始人兼董事总经理WhitneyTilson说道:“我多希望他们没这样做。”该公司是微软股东。

8.Gloria Steinem, the founder of Ms magazine, says that "Papn shares nothing but a chromosome with Cpnton" .Ms杂志的创办人GloriaSteinem称“帕林和希拉里的共同点仅仅只在于一条染色体”。

9.The founder of WikiLeaks, Jupan Assange, appears in court in London for a hearing on his extradition to Sweden.维基解密创始人阿桑奇在伦敦出庭,就其是否将被引渡回瑞典审判进行听证。

10.Less cooperative was Amazon. com founder Jeff Bezos, who pves nearby but asked the company not to pint out his home.亚马孙书店网站的创办人杰夫•贝佐斯较不合作,他住在附近,但要求游船公司不要指出他的住宅。