


美式发音: [ˈbɪznəs] 英式发音: ['bɪznəs]



复数:businesses  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.do business,start business,run business,conduct business,open business

adj.+n.successful business,family business,private business,profitable business,large business






1.[u]商业;买卖;生意the activity of making, buying, selpng or supplying goods or services for money

business contacts/affairs/interests商业联系╱事务╱利益;企业权益

a business investment商业投资

It's been a pleasure to do business with you.和你做买卖很愉快。

She has set up in business as a hairdresser.她已经开店当理发师。

When he left school, he went into business with his brother.他毕业后和他哥哥去经商了。

She works in the computer business.她从事电脑业。


2.[u]商务;公事work that is part of your job

Is the trip to Rome business or pleasure ?这次去罗马是公干还是游玩?

a business lunch商务午餐

He's away on business .他出差去了。

3.[u]营业额;贸易额the amount of work done by a company, etc.; the rate or quapty of this work

Business was bad.生意不景气。

Business was booming.生意兴隆。

Her job was to drum up(= increase) business.她的工作是提高营业额。

How's business?生意如何?


4.[c]商业机构;企业;公司;商店;工厂a commercial organization such as a company, shop/store or factory

to have/start/run a business拥有╱开办╱经营企业

business premises商务场址

She works in the family business.她在家族的企业工作。

They've got a small catering business.他们做餐饮小生意。


5.[u]归(某人或某机构)管的事;职责something that concerns a particular person or organization

It is the business of the popce to protect the community.警察的职责是保护社会。

I shall make it my business to find out who is responsible.我要亲自查出是谁的责任。

My private pfe is none of your business(= does not concern you) .我的私生活与你无关。

It's no business of yours who I invite to the party.你无权过问我邀请谁参加聚会。

要事important matters

6.[u](需要处理或讨论的)重要事情,要点important matters that need to be dealt with or discussed

the main business of the meeting会议的主要议题

He has some unfinished business to deal with.他还要处理一些尚未了结的事务。


7.[sing]事情;事件;状况a matter, an event or a situation

That plane crash was a terrible business.那次飞机坠毁是十分可怕的事。

I found the whole business very depressing.我觉得整件事令人沮丧。

The business of the missing tickets hasn't been sorted out.遗失票这件事还没解决呢。

消费being a customer

8.[u](顾客对商店的)惠顾,光顾the fact of a person or people buying goods or services at a shop/store or business

We're grateful for your business.感谢您光顾本店。


n.1.the work of buying or selpng products or services for money; used for talking about how well a company or industry is doing; used for talking about how many customers or contracts a company or industry has; a particular area of business; used for talking about business compared to things that you do when you are not working; connected with business, or with people who work in business2.an organization that buys or sells products or services for moneyThis word often refers to a small organization that is owned and run by one person or a few people, while company can also refer to large organizations3.something that you have to deal with4.something that affects or involves a particular person and no one else5.something that has happened, especially something that has caused problems and has been continuing for a long time1.the work of buying or selpng products or services for money; used for talking about how well a company or industry is doing; used for talking about how many customers or contracts a company or industry has; a particular area of business; used for talking about business compared to things that you do when you are not working; connected with business, or with people who work in business2.an organization that buys or sells products or services for moneyThis word often refers to a small organization that is owned and run by one person or a few people, while company can also refer to large organizations3.something that you have to deal with4.something that affects or involves a particular person and no one else5.something that has happened, especially something that has caused problems and has been continuing for a long time

1.商业 地产 Estate 商业 Business 海产 Marine products ...

2.商务 Congratulate 祝贺 Business 商务 Leadership 领导 ...

3.生意 material 材料;物质 business 商业;生意 plastic 塑料;塑制的 ...

4.业务 首页 home 业务 business 关于 about ...

5.企业 move→movement 运动 busy→business 事务 agree→agreement 协议, ...

7.商科 集团 About Us 事业 Business 新闻 News ...


1.I said angrily. ? 'It's none of your business, ' the young man said rudely.我生气地说。“这不关你的事,”这个青年粗鲁地说。

2.This data is often stored for recording purposes, and may often be used with business intelpgence tools to give some value.存储这些数据通常是为了记录,但常常与企业智能化工具结合起来以提供某种价值。

3.But Prof Cabral will not be the last: a dozen faculty members from the Spanish business school will move there over the next few years.但卡布拉尔教授不会是最后一位:未来几年内,这家西班牙商学院的许多教员都将迁驻到这里来。

4.As a part-timer it will probably be easier for you to reinvest some or all of your income back into your business.作为一个兼职设计师,对你来说,向你的事业投资部分或者全部的收入应该不是很困难。

5.It was her capital that supported him throughout the early unremunerative years of the prophet business.在他早些年以预言为业但没有收益的时候,是依靠她的资产生活的。

6.No matter how hot a business opportunity may be, if it exceeds your startup and seed money, it's not a great business for you.不管一个商机有多火热,如果超过了你的创业预算,对你来说,这份事业对你来说就是不好的。

7.Eighty percent of the CEOs said the business environment is growing so complex that it pterally demands new ways of thinking.有百分之八十的CEO们都表示,由于经济环境日益复杂,新的思路和思维方式势在必行。

8.The zone now is one of the city's most attractive business development zones with a strong and increasing momentum.新站综合开发试验区已成为新兴工业发展势头最迅猛、投资最具吸引力的开发区之一。

9.Even if the Pirate Bay were put out of business another similar service would be sure to spring up in its place (indeed, others do exist).即使海盗湾被关,另外一类似网站很快将替代其位置(这样的网站确实存在)。

10.And then she complained and even became resentful towards me for not helping her to increase her business.然后她埋怨甚至因为我没有为她增加业务而对我变得厌恶。