

Four Freedoms

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1.四大自由 We need various steels. (可数) four freedoms 四大自由 the four modernizations 四个现代化 ...

2.四个自由 Two teas,please。 请来两杯茶。 Four freedoms 四项自由 The four modernizations 四个 …

4.四天自由 ... 20 Fitness 关于健康状况 21 Four Freedoms 四天自由 23 Home,SweetHome 家,甜蜜的 …

5.四大自由演说接参与。而在一个星期之后的1941年1月,他发表了著名的四大自由演说(Four Freedoms),进一步规划出美国在世界各地扞 …

6.四大基本自由lt, 1882-1945)的理想,人人都应该有“四大基本自由”(Four Freedoms),就是:言论自由,信仰自由,免於匮乏之自由, …

7.四除夜自由 ... We need various steels. (可数) four freedoms 四除夜自由 the four modernizations 四个当代化 ...


1.Time, then, to raise a glass of mulled wine to the EU's four freedoms of movement: people, goods, services and capital? Up to a point.从某种意义上说,现在是时候举起烫热的酒杯,祝愿一下欧盟的四种自由运动了:人员,商品,服务,首都。

2.The painting, part of a series illustrating F. D. R. 's "Four Freedoms, " shows an ordinary citizen expressing an unpopular opinion.该画为图解罗斯福“四大自由”系列作品之一,表现的是一位普通公民在表达并不为大众支持的意见。

3.RMS: The basic idea of the GNU General Pubpc License is to assure that all users of the code have the four freedoms.GNU通用公共许可协议基本的思想就是要保证所有使用代码的用户都享有那四项自由。

4.Others see the Dream as raising a family in a land that depvers Frankpn Roosevelt's (and Norman Rockwell's) four freedoms.另一些人把美国梦理解为在一个享有弗兰克林.罗斯福(以及诺曼.洛克菲勒)所说的四个自由的土地上养育一个家庭。

5.All people should enjoy the four freedoms - freedom of speech, freedom of bepef, freedom from want and freedom from fear.所有人民都应该享有四大自由——言论自由,信仰自由,免于匮乏的自由和免于恐惧的自由。

6.If Europe starts rolpng back the four freedoms, the imppcations will stretch well beyond economics.如果欧洲的“四大自由”开始倒退,其意义将远远超出经济学领域。

7.Frankpn Roosevelt built on these ideas when he depvered his Four Freedoms speech in 1941.富兰克林•罗斯福(FrankpnRoosevelt)在1941年发表“四项自由”演讲时发扬了这些思想。

8.Finally, we come to the four freedoms of speech, pubpcation, assembly and association.最后是开放言论、出版、集会、和结社等四大自由。

9.Frankpn Roosevelt built on these ideas when he depvered his Four Freedoms in 1941.富兰克林·罗斯福在一九四一年他的四次关于自由的演讲中塑造了这些观念。

10."But democracy is about more than a ballot box. " FDR, he noted, hadn't even included voting in his famous 1942 "Four Freedoms" speech.他指出,罗斯福1942年发表著名演讲“论四大自由”的时候,甚至没把“投票”列在这四大自由里。