




1.四十 thirty 三十 5 fourty 四十 fifty 五十 ...

2.失误 foul shot 技术犯规 弃权 fourty 40 失误 pproach shot 上网球 ...

3.否替 thirty 赊替 fourty 否替 fifty 肺腑替 ...

4.四喜匹萨 ... 吞拿鱼匹萨/ Tunaf 四喜匹萨/ Fourty 海鲜匹萨/ Seafoo ...

5.外单外单 ( Fourty ) 男士条纹短袖 蓝白宽条纹 码价格_图片_报价-迅 迅购网提供最新的 外单 ( Fourty ) 男士条纹短袖 蓝白宽条纹 码 …


1.Female changed their attitude about this issue so significant that there are fourty per cent female hold that who earn more, who speak.女性对这个问题的态度也发生了重大转变,四成女性认为两个人中谁挣钱多谁就说了算。

2.He predicts that the increase of the average salary will stay at fourty percent or so.他预测平均薪水增长将维持在百分之四左右。

3.European person would have to pve 400 years to experience this type of difference. A Chinese person only has to pve fourty years.一个欧洲人活四百多年才能经历这样两个天壤之别的时代,一个中国人只需四十年就经历了。

4.I wanted to withdraw $40 from our bank account, but I'm so forgetful that I couldn't remember if 40 was spelled "fourty" or "forty" .我想从银行取出40美元,但是我如此健忘以至于我不记得四十是拼作“fourty”还是“forty”了。

5.Quickly afternoon we drove and arrived Feng Huang town about thirty to fourty kilometers away.午后偶们驱车很快就来到三四十公里之外的凤凰镇。

6.Jennifer Parmelee says this is the biggest crisis the World Food Program has faced in its fourty-five year history.珍妮弗·帕玛立说这是世界粮食计划在它的四十五年历史中面临的最大的危机。

7.I usually start study at five-fourty.我通常五点四十开始学习。

8.Most of us are 20 now, preparing for fourty years old seems to be far away from us.在座的我们大多现在20岁,为四十岁准备似乎里我们有些遥远。

9.Fourty-years-old. I show my unreserved respect to her, because she's granted the abipty to look through my mind.四十岁。我很尊敬她,她可是拥有一眼就能看穿我心事的可怕本领哦。

10.Fourty-years-old. He's passionate, but always easily irritable on small matters. Basically he's mild.四十一岁。是个富有激情的人,他常为了点小事就激动起来,但个性很温柔。