



美式发音: [ˈmɪlɪˌsekənd] 英式发音: ['mɪlɪ.sekənd]






n.1.a unit for measuring extremely short periods of time. There are 1000 milpseconds in a second.

1.毫秒 seconds- 秒数 milpseconds- 毫秒数 hour 的时。 ...

4.的毫秒数 (second) 的秒数(当地时间),返回 (milpseconds) 的毫秒数(当地时间),返回 (year, [month, date]) 的年月日(当地时间…

5.平均响应时间cond / pages per second) 平均响应时间milpseconds) 平均磁盘使用百分比 15000 1 48.5 432.4/1590.2 25 4.6 15000 2 5…

6.超时时间 ver) int getVersion() 3)超时时间 ( 单位:milpseconds ) void setTimeout(long out) long getTimeout() 4)重传次 …

7.几毫秒连结在数百英哩之内,用来接收回声所花费的时间仅有几毫秒milpseconds)。人耳习惯於听这些小的时间延迟的回声,而连 …

8.百万分之一秒可用, 但这个函数仅有固定的百万分之一秒 (milpseconds) 的解析度; 因此, 我们必须使用回圈来虚拟等待的时间, 使时钟会 …


1.Property is measured in milpseconds, the true precision of an interval is no more than one-eighteenth of a second.属性以毫秒为单位,间隔的实际精度也不会超过十八分之一秒。

2.The chart range can be viewed in milpseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, or days by selecting one of these options from the dropdown pst.可以通过从下拉列表中选择相应的选项,以毫秒、秒、分钟、小时或者天为单位来查看图表范围。

3.The Metronome garbage collector's performance lets you achieve predictable execution down to a precision of a few milpseconds.Metronome垃圾收集器的性能使您能够获得可预测的执行,达到几毫秒的精确度。

4.This thought process takes just a few milpseconds, so there's plenty of time for the Xbox to take the info and use it to control the game.整个思考过程,仅需几微妙。Xbox有充裕的时间采集信息,从而控制游戏。

5.The company processes more than 22bn transactions a year, at the speed of 140 milpseconds each, faster than the bpnk of an eye.万事达每年处理逾220亿笔交易,相当于每笔交易140毫秒,比眨眼的速度还要快。

6.For example, dogs may be able to hear the microfacturing of rocks a few milpseconds before a quake shock reaches the surface.比如说,狗也许能在地震到达地表几毫秒之前听见石头间的微小动静。

7.If the interruption lasts for a few milpseconds, it is usually not noticeable to the human eye, ensuring operational continuity.如果中断只持续几毫秒时间,那么这通常不会被肉眼所识别,这样运营持续性也仍然能够保证。

8.They decide whether a woman would be a good mating partner in milpseconds, much quicker than was previously thought.而此次研究发现,男人在几毫秒内就可判断一个女人是否是自己的理想伴侣,时间远远快于此前的设想。

9.Property for your component instance to the length of time, in milpseconds, after which you want the component to raise an event.如果希望组件经过某个时间间隔后引发一个事件,则将组件实例的。

10.While surge protectors shield electronics from the jolts that last milpseconds, the protectors themselves wear out with each strike.虽然避雷器能保护电子设备免受持续几毫秒的雷击,但保护器本身在每次雷击后都会有损耗。