


美式发音: ['faʊlə] 英式发音: ['faʊlə]






n.1.a shooter or trapper of wild birds

1.福勒 fowl-run 养鸡场 fowler 捕野禽者 fowlery 禽舍 ...

4.福乐到美国领事的强烈干预,美国军 舰甚至应其驻宁波领事福乐Fowler)之要求而前往示威。 美国国务院明确了美国处理此类 …

5.科拿尼尔 …

6.捕鸟人等等 Archer( 弓箭手)、 Fowler捕鸟人)等等。 Wisdom( 智慧)、 ...

7.弗勒 ... 捕鸟蛛 tarantula 捕禽人 ;fowler 捕手 catcher ...


1.As I prepare to leave, Fowler beckons me over to his mother-in-law's car.当我要走的时候,福勒把我叫到他岳母的车前。

2.The watchman of Ephraim [was] with my God: [but] the prophet [is] a snare of a fowler in all his ways, [and] hatred in the house of his God.以法莲曾作我神守望的;至于先知,在他一切的道上作为捕鸟人的网罗,在他神的家中怀怨恨。

3.There was speculation that family reasons would force Fowler to leave the club and return to England, but Matheson denied that was an issue.这里谣言说家庭的问题逼迫福勒离开俱乐部,回到英格兰,但是马西森否认这无须有的谣言。

4.Martin Fowler: Efficiency always wins providing that you're looking at it properly.MartinFowler:效率永远是第一位的,前提是你能正确理解它。

5.Elevate head of bed to high Fowler's position, at least 30 degrees, or place in reverse Trendelenburg if spinal injury present.抬高床头至高弗氏位(至少30度),如有椎骨损伤,则病人处反向特伦伯氏位。

6.We got to see you a bit on DEXTER this season. Love the crazy mess of Boyd Fowler.我们在这一季的《dexter》也看到了你的身影。爱死那个博伊德.佛勒那个角色了。

7.Fowler was so amazed by his Engpsh that he thought this man must be an Engpsh professor.Fowler惊其文笔竟远在一般英国人之上,以为他必是一名英语教授。

8.Martin Fowler: One of the things I've been trying to do is look for simpler or rules underpinning good or bad design.马丁:我曾经力图找到一种简单而通用的标准来区分设计的好与坏。

9.Sheldon: I'm removing my digital footprint from the Internet, so Amy Farrah Fowler can't find me and compel me to meet her mother.谢尔顿:我在消除上网痕迹,这样艾米。法拉赫。福勒就找不到我,不能强迫我去见她妈妈了。

10.That's not a problem in the Fowler family. For one thing, there's not much of an estate to leave.不过,对戴维的家人来说,这根本不是一个问题。