


网络释义:肃贪委员会;Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi;肃贪会


1.肃贪委员会tau 10 kandidat pemimpin Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) belum mendapatkan titik temu.

3.肃贪会tomo/*)雅加达(ANTARA新闻) -腐败铲光盘打印除委员会(KPK) Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabea光盘胶印n的代理主席递交了 …


1.Haryono Umar, one of the KPK's commissioners, does not dispute Indonesia's poor showing in TI's league table.KPK委员之一HaryonoUmar并不质疑印尼在透明国际排名表上的糟糕表现。

2.Analysts say the scandal is a blow for the KPK but one from which it should recover quite quickly.分析者说这次丑闻对委员会来说是个打击,但是它却相当迅速得恢复正常。

3.Susno was the target of a KPK wiretap.Susno是肃贪会窃听的目标。

4.The KPK is independent of the government but, somewhat unjustifiably, the president has gained kudos for its successes.肃贪会独立于政府但有一点模糊:总统是由于肃贪会的成绩而获得名望。

5.They seemed to show that Anggodo was conspiring with popce to allegedly frame two KPK deputy chairmen for abuse of power.录音带上的内容显示Anggodo和警察秘密勾结,陷害两位肃贪会副主席,指责他们滥用权力。

6.He fanned the KPK-popce feud with his "gecko versus crocodile" analogy.他比喻肃贪会和警察的关系是“壁虎对鳄鱼”。

7.Parpament, which is depberating legislation that would weaken the KPK, has also acted typically, if less commendably.一直在商讨立法以削弱肃贪会权利的议会,此次作为一如惯常,但却不甚被称道。

8.The good news for Indonesia is that the scandal appears to be unconnected to KPK business.对印尼来说,肃贪会没和这次丑闻扯上是个好事。

9.Director of Research and Development, KPK研究及发展部处长