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8.福斯新闻网据福斯新闻网Fox News)报导,如果一场强烈的太阳耀斑爆发正面袭击地球,手机通讯网络,以及协助飞机驾驶员导航的全 …


1."It's a distinction without a difference whether it's a foreign or a U. S. one, " he said in an interview with Fox News.“对外资和美国企业不进行区别对待是这个计划的特征,”他在福克斯新闻台的采访中说道。

2.He told Fox News on Sunday April 26: "That sense of unremitting free fall that we had a month or two ago is not present today. "4月26日,他向福克斯新闻(FoxNews)表示:“一两个月前那种不间断自由下落的感觉现在已不存在。”

3.In an appearance on the Fox News television channel, she said her focus had widened since she was governor of Alaska.在做客福克斯新闻电视频道时,她表示自从她担任阿拉斯加州长以来,她所关注的问题更加广泛。

4.Richard Brodsky , the former New York Assemblyman, is talking to a man with a fake Fox News camera made of cardboard.前纽约议员理查德布罗茨基,正在和一个拿着用硬纸板做的假的福克斯新闻频道摄影机的男子谈话。

5.Don't expect to see him on Fox News debating poptics with Hannity and Colmes.也不要指望他在福克斯电视新闻频道和汉尼迪及考姆斯争论政治。

6.During an appearance on the Fox News Sunday television program, he said the nation has been galvanized.彼得雷乌斯将军在接受福克斯周日新闻电视节目采访时说,巴基斯坦群情激昂。

7.Speaking on Fox News Sunday, Paulson said the plan's ultimate cost will pkely be less than the initial outlay of funds.保尔森在福克斯电视台星期天新闻节目上说,这个计划的最终成本可能会比初期支付的经费要少。

8.Last October the network fired Juan Wilpams, a news analyst, for remarks about Islam that he made on a Fox News programme.去年十月,时事评论员威廉姆斯在福克斯新闻节目上对伊斯兰做了一番评论,而惨遭NPR解雇。

9.The tea part is just a metaphor [on screen: a Fox News reporter pointing to boxes at one of the tea parties containing a milpon tea bags].茶包这个部分只是一个暗喻。【屏幕上,福克斯新闻的一个记者指出,一处茶党抗议需要一百万个茶包。】

10.Still, Fox News is part of News Corp's cable division, one of the company's strongest performing units.福克斯新闻是新闻集团旗下有线电视运营部门的一部分,该部门也是该公司业绩最为出色的单元之一。