


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌpɪkə'dɪp]





1.皮卡迪利种称为「Picadils」蕾蕬染料而致富,也是今日皮卡地里(Piccadilly)地名的由来...五条主要道路分别是:Piccadilly皮卡地里大街 …

7.皮卡地里线皮卡地里线(piccadilly)8 J1 L, E Q4 L1 x5 y全长71公里的皮卡地里线,从希斯罗机场(heathrow)到柯克佛斯特(cockfosters)共有5…

8.皮卡迪里广场皮卡迪里广场Piccadilly) 皮卡迪里广场是一个古老的购物区,是一些英国历史最悠久的零售商店所在地。 Fortnum and Mas…


1.Besides them, there was a cruise on the Thames River, a visit to the Tower of London as well as a walk through Piccadilly Circus.除了这两处景点,还有我们还乘船在泰晤士河上航行、参观伦敦塔、漫步皮卡迪利广场。

2.Lord Northampton, president of the Royal Society, invited him to a reception at his house in Piccadilly.北安普顿亲王,同时是贵族社团的主席,邀请他参加他在皮卡迪利的家宴。

3.At sunset, Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly Circus are often filled with the noise of thousands of starpngs .黄昏时分,特拉法尔加广场和皮卡迪利广场回荡着数千只鸟飞翔的噪音。

4.As Asian companies began to conquer global markets in the 1970s, so Japanese businesses started to colonise the Piccadilly boards.19世纪70年代,由于亚洲企业开始称霸世界市场,因此日本企业开始在皮卡迪利广场的广告牌上纵横天下。

5.Like Piccadilly Circus in London or Times Square in New York.就像伦敦的皮卡迪利大街或纽约的时代广场一样。

6.The Elephant' moves along Piccadilly on the final day of "The Sultan's Elephant" performance in London May 7, 2006.在伦敦举行的「苏丹的大象」街头演出进入最后一天,一只机械巨象行经皮卡迪里大道。

7.Today, the nearby roundabout and Tube station is called Piccadilly Circus.现在这街附近的环形地铁和地铁站就叫做皮卡迪利圆环。

8.Commuters say they felt a mixture of sadness and determination as they got back on the Piccadilly pne.一些乘客说,重新搭乘这条线有一种既感伤又坚定的复杂心理。

9.There is no shortage of tourist staples: Buckingham Palace, Piccadilly Circus, Marble Arch, Big Ben, the iconic red double-decker bus.伦敦从来就不缺乏观光的景点:白金汉宫,皮卡迪利广场,大理石拱门,大本钟,标志性红色双层大巴。

10.The expensive shops on a famous street near Piccadilly are preparing for opening. At this time in the morning, the arcade was almost empty.在皮卡迪利大街附近一条著名街道上一家高档商店正准备营业。清晨此刻,拱廊街上空空荡荡的。