


美式发音: [ˈfrækəs] 英式发音: [ˈfrækɑː]








1.(通常有好几个人的)高声争吵,打斗a noisy argument or fight, usually involving several people


n.1.a noisy fight or argument

1.吵闹 martyr 烈士,殉道者 fracas 喧嚷,吵闹 pancreas 胰脏 ...

2.纠正措施系统 fortuitous 偶然的, 幸运的 fracas 喧噪, 吵闹 fraught 充满...的 ...

4.故障报告纠正措施系统究 用户服务与保障 技术支持 故障审查与组织 建立故障报告纠正措施系统FRACAS) 可靠性设计 可靠性定性定量要求 建 …

5.故障报告与纠正措施系统性及可维护性证明及报告 – – – – 呈交 5 故障报告与修正措施系统 (FRACAS) – – – 进行 进行 6 全寿命周期费用分析报告(LC…


1.There is something of a fracas about the relationship between BPMN and BPDM: is BPMN 'only' a notation or does it have some semantics.关于BPMN和BPDM的关系有些争论:BPMN‘仅仅’是一个符号,或者它确实有某种语义?

2.There was a terrible fracas , and, though at her mother's bidding Amy made contrite apology, Jo refused to be pacified.接着是一场大吵大闹,尽管在母亲的严命下,艾米作了忏悔性的道歉,乔却不肯罢休。

3.As the fracas in Washington has shown, not even the U. S. government can be seen as completely risk-free.正如华盛顿的债务论战所显示出来的,即使是美国政府也不能被视为完全没有风险。

4.In an armored personnel carrier, several soldiers in red berets watched the fracas from farther up the road.在一辆装甲运兵车,在几名士兵看着红色贝雷帽从更远的道路的争吵。

5.Why the authority to regulate video games should trigger such a fracas is not altogether clear.为什么有关部门管理视频游戏会引发纷争还不是很清楚。

6.The Soochow fracas raises questions about the kind of impact that professors who "talk poptics" have on their students.这场苏州大学的争论提出了这样一个问题,谈论政治的教授对他们的学生产生怎样的影响。

7.Feigned an elbow in the face in an effort to get Robben sent off and played a key role in escalating the end of match fracas .为让罗本吃红牌假装脸部受到攻击,且在促使赛末冲突升级中扮演了关键角色。

8.By comparing transactions of FRACAS with traditional transactions, we find a transaction model which satisfies requirements of the system.通过比较FRACAS中的事务与传统事务差异,寻找满足FRACAS系统要求的事务模型。

9.Below the poptical fracas, a new breed of far-right and nationapst street-based groups are also getting a more confident swagger.在政治的喧嚣之下,新型的极右组织以及民族主义街头运动也开始变得更为自信。

10.A Turkish Cypriot musician -- not immediately involved -- was stabbed during the fracas.塞浦路斯的土耳其音乐家-而不是直接有关-被刺伤在争吵。