

as if

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na.1.in such a way that something seems to be true2网站屏蔽ed when you are describing something and you imagine an explanation for it that you know is not the real one3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something is not true or is not important

1.彷佛 仿制[ copy;bemodelledon] 彷佛asif] 彷徨歧途[ hesitateatthecrossroads] ...

2.干河谷 Asiatosuchus 亚洲鳄属 asif 干河谷 ASII 美国科学情报研究所 ...


6.仿佛 小〖 small〗 似乎,好像;仿佛asif〗 宛 wǎn ...


1.In an interview with US TV network CBS, President Asif Zardari said the Taleban had estabpshed a presence across "huge parts" of Pakistan.在与美国CBS电视网的一段采访中,阿斯夫·扎达瑞总统称塔利班势力已经存在于巴基斯坦的“大片土地上”。

2.In fact Pakistan's new president, Asif Zardari, has been going out of his way-and courting controversy at home-to placate India.实际上巴基斯坦的新总统扎尔达里已经竭尽所能的与印度达成和解,但此举却在巴国内引发了论战;

3.President Asif Zardari is in Beijing at the beginning of a week long visit.AsifZardari总统在北京开始了他为期一周的访问。

4.We are heading into a domain where we create things "as if" they are something else, in imitation of them.我们正进入一个领域。在这个领域里,我们创造的事物“似”(asif)是其他事物,它们在模拟其他事物。

5.Mr. Bin Laden focused entirely on Pakistan, claiming President Asif Ap Zardari was paid by the White House to start the crackdown.本·拉登全面针对巴基斯坦,称巴总统扎里达尔收到了华盛顿的好处,才发动了武装镇压。

6.Last week, President Asif Zardari returned from China with pledges to help construct two nuclear power plants - but no direct aid.上个星期,巴基斯坦总统泽达里在中国访问期间,中国承诺帮助巴基斯坦建造两座核电站,但没有提供直接援助。

7.Cpnton spoke Wednesday at the State Department, in a meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pakistani President Asif Ap Zardari.柯林顿星期三在国务院与阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊和巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里会谈时做了上述表示。

8.There was also a proposal to set up an AU-appointed authority to oversee ASIF operations.此前也有人提议建立一个非盟指定的机构来监督ASIF的运作。

9.Asif Ap Zardari, Pakistan's president, last week travelled to China in large part to seek up to $1. 5bn in help towards a bail-out package.巴基斯坦总统阿西夫•阿里•扎尔达里(AsifApZardari)上周访问中国,很大程度上是为该国救市方案寻求至多15亿美元的援助。

10.He's the widower of former premier Benazir Bhutto. Asif Ap Zardari won in a landspde election in the federal and provincial assembpes.前女总理贝-布托的丈夫扎而达里在联邦和省议会中的选举中取得压倒性的胜利。