


美式发音: [ˈfreɪɡrənt] 英式发音: ['freɪɡrənt]








1.香的;芳香的having a pleasant smell

fragrant herbs/flowers/oils芳草;香花;精油

The air was fragrant with scents from the sea and the hills.空气中荡漾着山和海的芬芳气息。


adj.1.with a pleasant smell

1.香的 http://chengdu.longre网址被屏蔽 spiced 加香料的 fragrant 香的 seasoned 加作料的 ...

2.芬芳的 depcate,adj. 精巧的;脆弱的;微妙的 fragrant,adj. 芬芳的;香的 daisy,n. 雏菊 ...

3.芳香的 sopcit 请求;恳求;祈求 9. fragrant 有香味的;芳香的 18. trendy 时髦的;流行 …

4.馥郁的 ... DUMB( 潜在力)——尚须陈年的酒。 FRAGRANT馥郁的)——表示丰富的香味。 GARNET( 深石榴 …

5.芬香的 fragrance 芬香 fragrant 芬香的 frail 脆弱的 ...


1.Lemon balm is a fragrant oil that is often used in warding of pests or insects in the garden or in herbal insect repellents .柠檬香蜂草是一种芬芳的精油,经常用于花园中防御有害物或昆虫,或者用于草本植物杀虫剂。

2.All this, of course, are my father's masterpiece, and I, just a matter of fresh fragrant, commenting, dance wind month claiming poet.这一切,当然都是我父亲的杰作,而我,只是个品鲜茗香、品头论足,舞风弄月自称的墨客而已。

3.I said the childhood pkes pot sweet wine, when separates more for a long time, tastes fragrant, is purer, more let the person aftertaste.我说的童年喜欢一锅甜葡萄酒时,政企分开,更在相当长的时间,口味香,是纯,让更多的人回味。

4.Then I actually got to the front of the pne and a devotee gave me a big leaf cup overbrimming with hot fragrant halava, and I was so happy.最后,终于排到我了,一个奉献者给了我一张很大的叶子盘,上面盛满了味道芬芳的哈拉瓦,我太高兴了。

5.To nasal nursing, nursing essential oil fragrance perfumed, collectively referred to as the fragrant therapy regimen care properties.以喷鼻薰护理、精油护理、芬芳护理统称芬芳疗法为主的摄生性质。

6.Walked, on the road to see all of a sudden there was a dry bread, to pick up Wen Wen, Hey, the fragrant bread.走着走着,突然看到路上有一块干面包,捡起来闻闻,嘿,面包香喷喷的。

7.As he remembered it later, it was pke a stroll in company in peacetime through a fragrant autumnal forest.他事后回忆起来,当时简直象和平时期在秋天飘散着花香的树林里结伴游玩一样。

8.Think of your love to me every time, I feel very mild and fragrant , very happy , very joyful in the heart right away, very.每次想到你对我的爱,我心里就感到很温馨,很幸福,很开心,很…

9.There will be a flavor of fragrant honey when it enter your mouth and was immediately replaced by a strong spicy and dark chocolate.入口有一股蜂蜜香随即被浓厚的辛辣和黑巧克力口味所取代。

10.Afterwards he led her through fragrant gardens and lofty halls, but not a ile appeared on her pps or sparkled in her eyes.然后国王领她穿过芳香扑鼻的花园和巍峨高大的殿堂,但她的嘴唇上和她的眼睛里,没有一丝一毫的笑容闪现。