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复数:weeds  现在分词:weeding  过去式:weeded  同义词

v.hoe,tidy,pick over,clear

n.wild plant,wild flower



v.1.除去(某处的)草,除去(害物,多余物等);清除;清理;淘汰;扫清 (out)2.“wee”的过去分词和过去式3.拔草,除草

n.1.a plant that grows easily and is usually found in places where you do not want it2.the drug marijuana3.someone who is thin and weak4.tobacco1.a plant that grows easily and is usually found in places where you do not want it2.the drug marijuana3.someone who is thin and weak4.tobacco

v.1.to remove weeds from the ground2.The past participle and past tense of wee

1.单身毒妈 (3) 另见 nǎi (1) 乱草;杂草[ weeds] ◎ 艿 nǎi ...

3.野草 《细细的红线》( Thin Red Line) 《野草》( Weeds) 《48小时》( 48 Hours…

4.单身独妈 《犯罪现场调查:迈阿密》( CSI:Miami) 《单身独妈》( Weeds) 《单身汉》( The Bachelor) ...

5.丧服 weediness 杂草状 weeds 丧服 weedy 似草的 ...

6.蔓草 蔓菁〖 turnip〗 蔓草〖 twiner;weeds〗 蔓生〖 trail〗 ...

7.稗子 ... 2. Rocky soil 石头地上 3. Weeds 稗子 4. Good soil 好土壤 ...

8.尾草松树、橡树、枫 树、桦树、各种花粉、及莠草又称为狗尾草weeds)、豕草(ragweed’s)、枯草霉等植物草屑为重,花粉 …


1.One of the book's incidental pleasures is to remind the reader that there are worse weeds than those found in the garden.这本书附赠的乐趣之一就是让读者知道还有比长在花园里的杂草还要麻烦的草。

2.It's easy to tell if someone has abandoned an account and left it to grow weeds.很容易就可以知道如果有人放弃了账号让它肆意的荒废。

3.Once we were done pulpng the weeds, the tangerines were about ready to be picked. So, they dragged the group of us to the tangerine grove.拔完草以后呢,就是说桔子也开始可以采摘,然后把我们一堆人拉到桔园里去了。

4.Being able to leave water on rice plants for an additional week might also help farmers suppress the growth of weeds.由于水稻种植可以离开水,另外的星期可以帮助农民阻止野草的生长。

5.I'm very adaptable and I feel I really pke the weeds. No matter where I am, it's quite easy for me to survive.我的适应能力很强,我觉得我就像一棵野草,不管放到哪里,都能够很容易的存活下来。

6."Many weeds seem to do better, in general, under a wide range of environments, " he said.一般地来说,在一个开阔的环境下,许多野草看上去似乎能做得更好。

7.At the edge of the woods there was a pond, and there a minnow and a tadpole swam among the weeds. They were inseparable friends.森林边有个水塘,水塘里有一条小鲤鱼和一只小蝌蚪。他们是形影不离的好朋友。

8.I received that ten dollars from my uncle after I had walked the fields all day long chopping weeds out of the bean fields.但当时的豆田,你走在田间,手持大砍刀,把杂草割掉,这样做要做一整天。

9.The remainder is often unusable, infested with unpalatable weeds and able to support few cattle or goats.其馀土地多半荒废掉,长满无法食用的杂草,也供养不了几头牛羊。

10.When his feet grew tired and weary, he would curl up in the weeds and rest.当它的脚步渐渐疲惫,它会蜷缩在杂草丛中暂时小憩。