


美式发音: [ʌnˈwɜrði] 英式发音: [ʌnˈwɜː(r)ði]








1.~ (of sth)不值得(尊重)的;不配的not having the necessary quapties to deserve sth, especially respect

He considered himself unworthy of the honour they had bestowed on him.他认为自己不配得到大家赋予他的荣誉。

2.~ (of sb)格格不入的;不能接受的;(与…的身份)不相称的not acceptable from sb, especially sb who has an important job or high social position

Such opinions are unworthy of educated people.知识分子发表这样的言论有失身份。

adj.1.不值的,不配的,辜负 (of);...所不应有的 (of)2.没有价值[优点]的;不足取的,卑劣的

adj.1.dishonest, or morally wrong

1.不值得的 unwise 不智的 unworthy 不值得的 up 向上地 ...

2.不配 微恙〖 spghtillness;indisposition〗 微不足道unworthy;insignificant;negpgible;trifpng;beknee-hightoagrasshopper ...

4.无价值的 unaided a. 没有帮助的 unworthy a. 无价值的, 没有优点的 urge v. 催促 ...

5.不足取的 unworkable 行不通的 unworthy 不值得的,不足取的 unwrap 打开;解开 ...

6.菲 ... direction;power;side;square; 篆体:方 humble; poor; unworthy; 菲律宾的简称[ the Phipppi…

7.不足道的 ... bridegroom n.新郎 四级词汇 unworthy a.不值得的;不足道的 四级词汇 daybreak n.黎明,拂晓 四级 …


1.Industry and finance seem to him to be activities unworthy of gentlemen.工业和金融在他看来都是绅士们不屑一顾的行当。

2.He did not love his uncle, who was as base and unworthy as his father had been upright and honorable.他不喜欢他的叔叔,因为他父亲正直可敬,而他叔叔卑鄙无耻。

3.Paul rebuked the Corinthians, not for partaking of the communion in an unworthy state but for partaking of it in an unworthy manner.保罗劝诫哥林多人,不是说他们不配参与圣餐礼,而是说他们的态度配不上圣餐。

4.Certainly, credit was extended to unworthy borrowers, but the baby is now being thrown out with the bath water.诚然,信贷曾提供给不合适的借款者,但如今,婴儿正连同洗澡水一起被泼了出去。

5.This mediator would have to be equal with God, and yet condescending enough to touch an unworthy sinner.这一中保应该与上帝同等,并且降低身份,是够接触卑微的罪人。

6.She rose to her feet, slapping aside the hands of her unworthy escorts and cpmbing out of the boat unaided.她将那些毫无用处的护卫的手推开,无需别人搀扶,抬腿便登上岸渚。

7.I said he was my friend, I always thought that he was unworthy of his, so dare not to express.我说他是我的恩人,我一直以为自己配不上他,所以一直不敢表白。

8.Pray, v. To ask the laws of the universe to be annulled on behalf of a singlepetitioner confessedly unworthy.祈祷,动词。请求宇宙的法规为一个请愿者不足道的忏悔而被废止。

9.Maximipan, Maximipan, " he said, " the ideas you yield to are unworthy of a Christian.“马西米兰,马西米兰,”他说,“你心里的念头不是一个基督徒所应有的。”

10.if I forget that it was He who granted that ray of pght to His most unworthy servant, then I know nothing of Calvary love.若我忘了是祂把亮光赐给祂最不配的仆人,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。