




1.弗赖 富塞马尼 Foussemagne 弗赖 Frais 弗鲁瓦德丰泰纳 Froidefontaine ...

2.女长袖抓绒外套 CHIC 小帽 FRAIS 女长袖抓绒外套 FELICE 女长袖骑行服 ...

3.新鲜的 (frais:adj. 清凉的,最近的,新鲜的) (respirer:v. 呼吸,吸入,这里是“闻” …

4.新鲜冰冻血浆 ... plaie du membre supérieur 上肢伤 plasma congelé frais 新鲜冰冻血浆 plastie du canal vertébral 椎管成形术 ...


1.FRAIS L-carnitine weight loss will not reduce the chest, chest fat and body fat not the same, it can reshape the body.FRAIS左旋肉碱减肥不会减小胸部,胸部脂肪和身体脂肪不一样,还可以重塑体型呢。

2.FRAIS collagen is below 800 Dalton, small molecules collagen, was jumbled by the body to receive.FRAIS胶原蛋白是800道尔顿以下的,小分子胶原蛋白,很冗杂被人体接收。

3.FRAIS pure L-carnitine L-carnitine, no increase in the other body. Is.FRAIS左旋肉碱是纯左旋肉碱,没有增加其它肉体的。是。

4.As usual, a natural product FRAIS no reaction, many people purchase of L-carnitine weight loss and collagen are good whitening effect.往常FRAIS的产品由于很自然没有反作用,很多人购置,左旋肉碱减肥和胶原蛋白美白效果都很好。

5.FRAIS this brand, always be the fire, the effect is also very good to try next.FRAIS这个牌子,往常很火,效果也很好可以尝试下。

6.FRAIS L-carnitine without any reaction, because it is pure L-carnitine, the shell is the pearl powder to do a home for effect.FRAIS左旋肉碱没有任何反作用,由于是纯左旋肉碱,外壳是珍珠粉做的有颐养效果。