


美式发音: 英式发音: ['rɒtʃɪstə(r)]





un.1.city and port in western New York, south of Lake Ontario and northeast of Buffalo.2.city on the Zumbro River in southeastern Minnesota. It is the site of the Mayo Cpnic, founded in 1914.

1.罗切斯特 4、纽约( New York City) 5、罗契斯特( Rochester) 6、绮色佳( Ithaca) ...

7.纽约罗彻斯特在纽约罗彻斯特Rochester )一间百货公司内发生了一宗高买案件,一个男人偷了一个闹钟,正向最近的出囗逃走。那藏在 …

8.洛彻斯特1842年,芬尼在纽约州的洛彻斯特(Rochester)教会,开了一系列的特别讲座。那是一位高等法庭的法官,要他以律师为对象而 …


1.Jack: You know, Rochester, it's such a beautiful day, let's put the top down.杰克:你知道,罗彻斯特,今天风和日丽,我们把车蓬放下来吧。

2.Senator James Alesi of the Rochester suburbs was the first Repubpcan senator to say he would vote for marriage equapty.罗彻斯特效区参议员詹姆斯.阿勒西(JamesAlesi)是第一个表示将投票赞成婚姻平等的共和党议员。

3.These affirmed that it was pleasure enough to have the privilege of again looking on Mr. Rochester, whether he looked on me or not.这两者都认定不管罗切斯特先生是不是看你,你能有幸见到他,这就是够快乐的了。

4.Oh, no. His father. And why Mr. Rochester keeps it here, despite everything, I do not know, one of his strange ways.不,是他父亲。我搞不懂为什么Rochester先生非要把它留着。这是我搞不懂,是他一种奇怪的习惯吧。

5.The first one was about Mr Rochester riding away from Thornfield Hall. I tried to call him back, but he did not hear me.第一个是关于罗切斯特先生从科安飞大礼堂跑掉,我尝试喊叫他回头,可他没有听我的。

6.She said to Rochester, not to any matter, "I just feel calm, sir, and do not be too much of the crushing grace. "她向罗切斯特表示,不要任何物,“我只求心里平静,先生,而不要被太多的恩惠压碎。”

7.My Mom's visiting after giving a talk up in Rochester. They gave her a new digital camera as a gift so we were trying it out.我妈妈在罗切思特讲话之后来看我,他们送了一台新的数码相机给她,我们就拿出来试试。

8.In front rode Mr Rochester on his black horse, and with him rode a beautiful lady, her black curls streaming in the wind. 'Blanche Ingram! '前面是骑着黑马的罗切斯特,在他身边同行的是一位漂亮的女士,黑色的鬈发随风飘舞。“布朗蒂·英格姆。”

9.Mr Rochester was sometimes able to read my thoughts, but this time he just smiled warmly at me, and opened the gate.罗切斯特先生有时可以看透我的心思,但这次他只是对我热切地微笑,并打开了大门。

10.'I know nothing about Mr Rochester. Why don't you ask the name of the governess, and why everybody is looking for her? '我对罗切斯特先生一无所知。你为什么不问问家庭教师的名字,以及为什么大家都在找她?