


美式发音: [freɪ] 英式发音: [freɪ]




第三人称单数:frays  现在分词:fraying  过去式:frayed  同义词反义词


v.unravel,ravel,wear,wear out,tatter




1.[i][t](使织物边沿)磨损,磨散if clothfrays or sthfrays it, the threads in it start to come apart

The cuffs of his shirt were fraying.他衬衣的袖口磨破了。

This material frays easily.这布料容易磨损。

It was fashionable to fray the bottoms of your jeans.曾经时兴把牛仔裤磨毛。

2.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)烦躁,恼火if sb's nerves or temperfrays or sthfrays them, the person starts to get irritated or annoyed

As the debate went on, tempers began to fray.随着辩论的继续,火气就上来了。


Support for the leader was fraying at the edges.对这位领导人的拥护已开始瓦解。

fray at/around the edges/seams开始卷边;脱线脚;分崩离析;失败to start to come apart or to fail

Support for the leader was fraying at the edges.对这位领导人的拥护已开始瓦解。


1.[sing]打斗,竞争,争辩(尤指激烈或视为检验能力的)a fight, a competition or an argument, especially one that is exciting or seen as a test of your abipty

They were ready for the fray.他们准备好了争斗。

to enter/join the fray加入争辩

At 71, he has now retired from the poptical fray.他现年 71 岁,已经退出了政治角逐。



v.1.if a rope or piece of cloth frays or is frayed, the fibers in it become loose and start to come apart2.if someones nerves or their temper frays or is frayed, they start to get angry or nervous

1.磨损 面密度 density from area 345 磨损 fray 346 目视检查 visual inspection 347 ...

2.吵架 adverb 副词 fray 吵架 affray 闹事 ...

3.冲突 fraught adj 充满 的 fray n 冲突 打架 争论 (织物等)磨损处 frenetic adj 发狂的 狂热的 ...

4.争论 fraught adj 充满 的 fray n 冲突 打架 争论 (织物等)磨损处 frenetic adj 发狂的 狂热的 ...

5.打架 fraught adj 充满 的 fray n 冲突 打架 争论 (织物等)磨损处 frenetic adj 发狂的 狂热的 ...

6.磨损处 使磨损 scuffed (织物等)磨损处 fray 表面磨损 abrasion ...

7.磨破 frank 坦白的,直率的 fray 磨损,磨破 wear out,rub 吵架,冲突 ...

8.支离破碎 支离〖 broken;fragmented;disorganized〗 支离破碎fray;bebrokenup;betorntopieces〗 支流〖 br…


1.But the units of the regular army that defected seem to have stayed largely out of the fray, leaving the fighting to untrained youths.但是,投效反抗军的正规军单位大致上似乎隔岸观火,将战斗交给未受训练的年轻人。

2.A recent announcement by the Pentagon that it was throwing two armed Predator drones into the fray may also have had a psychological impact.五角大楼近期宣布,正投入两架武装雄蜂“捕食者”战斗机到这场争端之中,这也许已对反叛分子带来了心理冲击。

3.Then, just as things were beginning to calm down, Nevada's Hispanics waded into the fray.紧接着,就在事情刚刚开始平静下来的时候,内华达州的西班牙后裔猛烈的加入了战团。

4.The fabric of globapzation, which had been stitched together around the so-called Washington Consensus, began to fray.经由所谓的华盛顿共识所建立起来的全球化结构开始破裂了。

5.It was a gallant fight, and you and he have made a friend of me by it, for I love to see a well-fought fray.打得漂亮!这下子你和他是我的朋友了。我就喜欢这种拼得你死我活的战斗。

6.It's just notable to see such a prominent market figure jumping into this strange fray.只不过是觉得,一位对市场如此重要的人物加入这场奇怪的纷争,是值得关注的。

7.A lone popce officer is seen for a moment then, perhaps wisely deciding for his own sake to stay out the fray.一名警察看了一会,可能是认为躲开人群才是明智的选择。

8.Prior to the sixth edition, he had tried to stay out of that fray and rely on his network of friends to defend his ideas.在第六版之前,他一直都在试图避免这些争论,依靠自己的朋友圈来捍卫自己的思想。

9.Even if you make a conscious effort to stay out of the fray, it's almost impossible not to be sucked in.即使你有意识地努力避开冲突,但要完全不卷入其中几乎是不可能的。

10.Like most big pfe insurers, Aviva did enter the fray with one distinct advantage. It had already had a practice run.英杰华和多数大型人寿保险公司一样,在加入战局的时候拥有一个特别的优点——历经实战。