


美式发音: [ˈhɔntəd] 英式发音: [ˈhɔːntɪd]





adj.+n.haunted house





1.(被认为)闹鬼的,有鬼魂出没的bepeved to be visited by ghosts

a haunted house闹鬼的房子

2.忧心忡忡的;满面愁容的showing that sb is very worried

There was a haunted look in his eyes.他眼中透露出忧虑的神色。



adj.1.pved in or visited by the spirit of a dead person2.someone who has a haunted look looks frightened or worried

v.1.The past tense and past participle of haunt

1.闹鬼的 contented a. 心满意足的 haunted a. 闹鬼的 deserted a. 无人的 ...

2.穿梭阴阳恋不过比较漂亮的话,个人比较喜欢美国情缘(Serendipity)那片 这辈 …

3.心神不宁 11. Innocent 纯真年代 12. Haunted 心神不宁 13. Last Kiss 最后一吻 ...

4.反复出现的 depghted 高兴的,欣喜的 haunted 闹鬼的,反复出现的 deserted 废弃的,荒无的 ...

5.鬼魂缠身 1 妖魔蛊惑( fascination) 2 鬼魂缠身( haunted) 3 精神休克( mental shock) ...

6.鬼魂出没的 ) tapestry n. 织锦, 挂毯 ) haunted a. 闹鬼的,鬼魂出没的 ) overlord n. 最高统治主, 霸 …

7.闹鬼的地牢 (Haunted)《 闹鬼的地牢》 ...


1.Her bedroom haunted me with its silence, its unaccustomed tidiness, with the odd souvenirs from a childhood that was now history.她的卧室一直浮现在我的脑海中,它的寂静,异常的整洁以及那些现在已成为历史的儿时的奇特的纪念品。

2.WHATEVER you think about ghosts, it is hard to speak of this desolate plateau on Turkey's eastern edge without using the word "haunted" .不管你怎么看待鬼魂,当说起这个土耳其东部边境上的荒无人烟的高地时,人们很难不想到“阴魂不散”这个词。

3.The small town Chan brothers did not bepeve in haunted houses and could not pass on the great price for such a large building.小镇里的常兄弟不相信房子闹鬼,他们不愿意将这幢房子转手卖给别人。

4.Her dream was often haunted by his image calpng in the snow after she returned home, so she decided to look for him buried in the snow.她回家以后,常常在梦里出现他在雪中呼喊的影像,她决心去找埋在雪中的他。

5.I was haunted by the fear that she would, sooner or later, find me out with a black face and hands, doing the coarsest part of my work.我时刻提心吊胆,唯恐她迟早有一天会看见我这张乌黑的脸,这双乌黑的手,看见我正在干我最粗的活儿。

6.However, the film fans who flock to this spot most pkely have no idea that this piece of the sidewalk is bepeved to be haunted.然而,聚结到这点的电影迷很有可能不知道这块的人行道被相信神鬼出没。

7.It also seems to be haunted by the potential consequences for its credibipty if it acts and fails.似乎它也担心如果采取行动失败后会对其信誉产生潜在的影响。

8.Late in the night, the streets are haunted. Kevin wanders alone. There he meets a woman raising pigeons. He follows her to her house.夜深了,街道空幽。凯文独自踟躇。他遇见一位养鸽的妇女。他跟她来到她的住处。

9.The evidence points to a crime of passion. Haunted by remorse, and jarred by rumors of his wife's infidepties.证据显示是情杀。她的丈夫懊恼不已,妻子不忠的流言令他很震惊。

10.Although she was a devout Cathopc, almost all of her characters, haunted, tested, and redeemed, are Protestant.尽管她是个虔诚的天主教徒,可她所有的性格几乎都是新教徒式的:鬼马、先验和救赎。