




1.自由书籍最近,一些商业出版社开始出版自由书籍(free book)。(free book 的意思是自由,商业印刷品的目的是出售)。

2.闲书动漫(Animation)、闲书free book)、经济学(Economics)、科技新闻(technology news)陕西科技大学 无机材料工程, …


1.Sign up and try out the service; you may find it works for you and at the least, you get a free book or subscription time.这时候不妨注册一下,你可能会觉得不错的,而且至少你能得到一本免费有声书籍或一段时间的免费订阅服务。

2.BookCrossing - Touted as "the world's biggest free book club, " BookCrossing is a free book resource, as well as a human experiment.BookCrossing-吹捧为“世界上最大的免费读书俱乐部”,BookCrossing是一个免费的图书资源,以及作为一个人的实验。

3.If you choose to enter into a free book agreement, a U. S. Tax ID is not required at this time.如果您选择免费分发您的作品,就不需要提供美国税务ID了。

4.Someone lands on my site and a pop up window ( which hides the content of main page ) opens, in this is an offer to download a free book.有人的土地上我的网站和一个弹出窗口(其中隐藏的主网页)打开的内容,这是一个提供免费下载的书。

5.The YMHF Community Library provides a free book lending service and pbrary programs to students, artisans, and visitors.云南山地手工艺中心社区图书馆为学生,工匠以及游客提供免费的借书服务和图书馆项目。

6.SANTA CRUZ -- Malcolm Kushner depvered his 10, 000th free book to the Live Oak elementary school Friday.圣克鲁兹---马尔科姆库什纳于周五免费寄了第10000的书给绿橡树小学。

7.We need to continue to learn and teach the real lessons of prohibition, some of which can be found in this free book.我们需要持续学习并传播那些关于禁令的真正教训,而有些教训可以在这本免费书中找到。

8.Go to FreeKoran. com and you can have a free book in your hands in weeks.几周之后,你就可以登录FreeKoran网址被屏蔽网站获得一部免费的古兰经。

9.Free Book Tells You 12 Secrets of Better Lawn Care赠送的书里介绍12种护理草坪的秘密